I have a special level of gratitude today. My niece, who has struggled with our Program for a few years now, has now been sober a bit over a year. Her alcoholism caused havoc in my family; to the point where my brother and mother stopped speaking to each other, with lots of pain all around. I faced a new level of powerlessness, as there was nothing I could do to fix it; I just stayed focused on my own sobriety and spiritual growth and prayed for God's will to be done. My niece made her 9th step amends to my brother (her father) a few days ago, and things are now beginning to get on the mend in my family. Indeed, we get to have Christmas dinner as a whole family this evening. My mother (who is getting on up there in years) is very happy.
Tomorrow, my husband and I are heading to Maui for a week to celebrate our 23rd anniversary.
I am truly blessed, and wish you all a sober Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.
(((BGG)))...I've seen that miracle more than just several times and each time it is a special wonder to watch the hurt go away, the love re-enter and peace of mind and serenity come in the door. I'm happy for you and your family...Merry Christmas...would like to give you my own personal (((hugs))) and I won't swim to Maui to do it. Sharks don't like me in their territory. LOL. Have a safe trip. A hui ho!! (((hugs)))
I just returned from our family Christmas dinner. All I can say is "WOW!" Before my very eyes, I saw years of pain between my niece and her siblings, my niece and her father, and my brother and my mother, get made right. A truly special set of memories. God, working through the Program of A.A., made it all possible. My heart is simply overflowing.