I've known I had a problem for a long time. It has gotten much worse. I am finally tired enough of always being miserable and afraid that I WANT to change.
I live alone and my family and friends are mostly in other cities. I am glad I found all of you! I have already read many helpful posts.
I also work 3rd shift so I am alone and awake in the middle of the night quite often. Nice to be able to come here. The nights get very long.
Welcome to the MIP board Christine and this could be the first day and best day in the rest of your life. I'm assuming that the trouble is with alcohol? If so and for me the solution started and continues in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. The program is in most countries on the planet and so you are not alone in your concern. Go to the white pages of the local telephone book and look up the hotline number to AA central office and call for a meeting schedule where and when we get together in your area and come see what recovery is about. On Christmas most area's have Alcathons...starting Christmas Eve and continuing on into Christmas Day for the security and safety of all alcoholics who might be threatened by holiday drinking. There's food and fellowship and fun...come join the family. Keep coming back to MIP.
Yes. I have been to some meetings before and even was sober a few months. Problem is it was forced on me because of a DWI and I was not ready and not really in a good environment to maintain. My roommate drank pretty much constantly.
I'm ready now. I can't do this anymore.
I binge drink. I will go all week or even 2 sober but then I just WANT a beer. So weird how the feeling will just hit me. Many times I had other plans and then....well, you know.
I lived in a different city when I went to meetings before. I will be looking for the right one here in the next couple days.
Has it been your experience that the friendships started in AA eventually continue outside of meetings? I really need to meet people in this town. Be a plus if they were sober.
Hey Christine:) welcome. I, too, worked odd hours when I found this board... It helped me a ton to have a place to come to and learn and vent when at hours that there were no meetings and most of the world was tucked in bed. And yes, it took me a bit of time, but I've started to make friends that go beyond chit chatting at meetings. It took me a while because I didn't think I needed or wanted to haha.. Gotta be honest:) if you make the effort to get to know people you will quickly make new sober friends. Glad to have you here!
Has it been your experience that the friendships started in AA eventually continue outside of meetings? I really need to meet people in this town. Be a plus if they were sober.
Welcome, and yes. At least it seems to work that way around here. I guess I'd be surprised if likeminded people with a common goal didn't catch up outside of meetings.
I have a question. Did most of you do the 90 meetings in 90 days? I looked at the meeting schedule for my area and I don't think I will be able to go to one daily. Some are just too many towns away.
Yes, I did my best to adhere to the 90 in 90.. If and when my schedule would not allow this I would double up the next day. My days off were pretty much back to back meetings. I went to any and all my work schedule allowed.. Probably worked out to 6-10 a week. Are you going to one today?
Yes, I did my best to adhere to the 90 in 90.. If and when my schedule would not allow this I would double up the next day. My days off were pretty much back to back meetings. I went to any and all my work schedule allowed.. Probably worked out to 6-10 a week. Are you going to one today?
No. Booked solid today. Safe from drinking today though so that"s something. Like to find something for tomorrow.
I didn't, but that's because the nearest meeting outside of my homegroup is 40kms away. Most are much further. So I did what I could and used this place when I couldn't.
I didn't, but that's because the nearest meeting outside of my homegroup is 40kms away. Most are much further. So I did what I could and used this place when I couldn't.
Welcome Christine! You will make friendships to varying degrees. Like anywhere, you will get what you put in. Meaning...in terms of friendship, if you are shy, dont talk to people, and don't put yourself out there at all, you will be slow to make friends. I never had that problem because it's just not me. I talk a lot and make friends easily. Thank God.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
I'm in west wi - I was thinking of starting to drive to the cities once a month to find sober woman, so I will give you my number, and maybe I can pick you up : )
Welcome to the board by the way! Glad you're here - keep coming back!
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
I'm in west wi - I was thinking of starting to drive to the cities once a month to find sober woman, so I will give you my number, and maybe I can pick you up : )
Welcome to the board by the way! Glad you're here - keep coming back!
That would be great! I am a little south of there. We can meet.Somewhere in StPaul there is a candlight meeting at a church...I think on Saturdays. I have heard good things about it.
If you are near Saint Paul - you will find an amazing group of woman : ) I hear about them all the time where I live and can't wait to check it out! I will message you my number, and feel free to call me anytime. I will be taking my brother to the airport on Saturday afternoon, so we can hit a meeting after that! I CAN'T WAIT!
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Has it been your experience that the friendships started in AA eventually continue outside of meetings? I really need to meet people in this town. Be a plus if they were sober.
Welcome to MIP Christine, ...
If you don't have one already, be sure to get an AA Big Book ... and start reading it ... one passage in the BB answers your question here ... pg. 152 and 153
You are going to meet these new friends in your own community. Near you, alcoholics are dying helplessly like people in a sinking ship. If you live in a large place, there are hundreds. High and low, rich and poor, these are future fellows of Alcoholics Anonymous. Among them you will make lifelongfriends. You will be bound to them with new and wonderful ties, for you will escape disaster together and you will commence shoulder to shoulder your common journey. Then you will know what it means to give of yourself that others may survive and rediscover life. You will learn the full meaning of "Love thy neighbor as thyself."
There have been many great shares here already ... I just wanted to say WELCOME and we're glad to have you here
Love ya and God Bless,
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Just a note Christine, ... I was so sick and eat-up with this disease, I found it comforting to go to, right at, 700 meetings in 700 days ... almost 2 years ... (Well, I was told if I put as much effort into staying sober as I did getting and drinking all the booze I did, then I could recover too ... Soooo ... ergo all the meetings , and I don't regret going to them ...)(they saved my life)
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Just a note Christine, ... I was so sick and eat-up with this disease, I found it comforting to go to, right at, 700 meetings in 700 days ... almost 2 years ... (Well, I was told if I put as much effort into staying sober as I did getting and drinking all the booze I did, then I could recover too ... Soooo ... ergo all the meetings , and I don't regret going to them ...)(they saved my life)
Right now that sounds like a good plan.....but I know I am very lazy.....:) There isn"t one every day near me and it looks like I only have one choice in town here. I hope it is a good group. If I have to drive out of town often it will be rough for me to kick myself in the butt to get there.
What I did was write down the meetings I'd plan to go to at the beginning of the week in my planner.. So I thought of them as appointments I had to keep. I certainly had to kick myself in the butt many times to go to meetings in the beginning. I would actually write in my planner " get your ass to a meeting!!" cuz I knew it had to be a priority. I planned my day around a meeting. As pappy pointed out if i was willing to venture out in downpours, blizzards and sub zero temps to get booze (and I don't drive, so we are talking serious effort to drink) I could get myself to a meeting. I really had to train myself to think about it like this.
That okay, you just do what you can ... AND keep coming here daily for inspiration ... that's a close 2nd to going to meetings ... be sure to try and get a sponsor, that's important!!!
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Col makes a great point ... in the beginning I was also told to plan my day around a meeting ... meaning that my recovery came first, above all else ... so putting it down in a 'planner' would be great, if you use one ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Aloha again Christine and I'm glad to see that you are connecting up with a new sober extended family. I was told in early recovery to get to 90X90 and did that and a tad more 102. I was also told to stay away from all things alcohol and I've been able to do that too including my family of orgin and an exwife. Yeppers on the recovering family and friends...yesterday in the mall while doing some "special" (for her) gift shopping a bunch of us just kept bumping into each other sharing hugs and kisses and helpful and supportive information. I'm where my HP wants me to be and since I'm normally a solitary person and used to be nick-named the Lone Ranger and since I use to do most of my drinking in small groups or alone being out in the open and being tagged by all of these recovering family members is a spiritual poke for me...I love it. My recovery family goes around the world and of course includes the membership here at MIP for which you are now a member.
My old drinking fellows and family find it odd and a bit threatening to be around a Jerry F who no longer drinks...Odd indeed.
I have spent much time reading the board the last couple days. Still not drinking but haven't yet made it to a meeting. I know from reading the board it is an excuse, but....:)...quite frankly I have created a god awful mess that has required much time to figure out how to at least get through the week as in transportation to work, finances, insurance claims, etc. I will get there though. I am determined and ready!
I do not want to be one of the members who is here for awhile and then dissappears. Made me sad and scared to read the posts from members who quickly left.
Thank you all for being here and making this available for me! God Bless!