That's why we relapse, not because it is Christmas or New Year. AA took away that idea from me, by working the 12 steps. Now I don't drink because I don't have that idea anymore.
But guess what that idea can slowly come back, if I neglect my program.
An alcoholic has great ideas, but this one idea has got to be smashed. It is a very dangerous idea and it leads to death.
Great post Gonee my brother . I was very fortunate, in early sobriety, to hear that you can successfully pray to have the obsession to drink be removed by your Higher Power. This I am sure is part of the greater "Spiritual awakening" that we all experience as a result of working the steps. So, at about 2 months sober I began to not only pray every morning for my HP to keep me sober that day, I asked that (He) also remove the obsession to drink permanently. Miraculously, at just after 6 months, and completing my 4th & 5th steps, the thoughts, urges, and obsession to drink disappeared and has never returned. Now, very ocassionally, I'll be on vacation or something and see someone drinking a pina colada (something that I never drank) and a voice in my head spews out "wouldn't that be nice" and is immediately followed by another voice saying "shut up, you moron" lol. I laugh out loud sometimes, but always shake my head at the silly notion. I know full well that I am allergic to alcohol and that it will kill me, slowly and painfully, and that I just can't drink, period. I've fully accepted that I wouldn't even want to drink if there was some kind of pill or remedy that would allow me to just "have a couple of social drinks". I totally enjoy being happy, joyous, and free, in my natural state, and have no intention of altering that. Like everyone in life, my sobriety has been tested with some scary and sometimes painful life situation, lesson, even consequences of my own actions (which is the worst) and I have never thought of drinking to ease the pain or "solve the problem" which would be insanity. I am exponentially grateful for this, and anything else, all of the benefits that result from this are just ice cream on a cake. I urge all of you newbies, and those coming back to pray hard and daily for your HP to remove the obsession to drink. Work the steps with your sponsor to best of your ability and believe that you can duplicate mine or anyone else ("who has what you want") by "thoroughly following there path".