That is a cliche name for a topic but there are some cool firsts this year. I'm not going to say my life is perfect. God would probably smite me lol. But...This is literally the first time in my adult life that I have had people come over to my house for Thanksgiving. 4 years ago, I lived in filth and didn't know how to take care of myself. Even after being sober for a couple of years, I was still very much learning how to take care of a house, keep it clean, and act like a grown up. I'm not saying I've arrived or anything, but it has taken 4 years to get to the point where I can invite people over to my house and be proud of it. I am so thankful for my life and so grateful...words can't really do it justice. I spent every holiday drunk and in self-pity. I never dreamed I'd be sitting in a house with smells of all these different thanksgiving foods cooking, waiting for other people to come over and that it would be my house. WTF! How did this happen? I was a crazy drunk that didn't even know how a vacuum worked let alone how to prepare a house and a meal for others. This Thanksgiving, I am truly truly grateful.
Wishing everyone a great Thanksgiving and all the joys of recovery.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Isn't it wonderful? At 23 years I am still experiencing those "firsts" and I love it! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving get together! It's a great day to be sober!
I know how it happened and you do also. Happy Thanksgiving from the Pacific Pinkchip and all of the MIP Family. I love this cause even your description of your house and day make my imagination cheer. Yay oh YAY!! pass me another slice of Kalua cream pie please...Yeah the non-alcoholic Kalua...that's it. Mahalo!! (((((hugs)))))
That's awesome!! And I love this post.. I often find myself asking myself " what would a grown up do?" lol.. Cuz I often have no idea what the answer is. I, too, lived like a child up until... Well, it's still a work in progress. Lol love that you mentioned vacuum thing:) I was so excited to own my first vacuum at 36 that I posted about it here! It was like I had finally done something responsible haha.. Have a wonderful thanksgiving! We all have much to be thankful for in sobriety.