Was down in the dumps the other day and I was projecting a loneliness in advance. I am fairly antisocial, and live alone, so Thanksgiving could be "just another day" if I don't put some effort into making sure I get some turkey somewhere!
Of course, it's not really about the turkey, is it? Do we appreciate how very wonderful it is that AA'S have a Thanksgiving day gathering for anyone who shows up, every year, in localities all over the U.S.? For everyone out there projecting a lonely day, join me in kicking the pity pot aside and showing up, to partake, to serve, to join in, to give thinks, to receive blessings. Thanks in advance to all who make sure there is a safe, warm, and welcoming place to go on these holidays...with great food no less :)
This year will be different for me and my family ... since I lost my Dad this summer, this will be the 1st time we've had holidays without any parents ... seems odd to think my wife and i now assume the senior's role in the family this go round ... my younger sister will be there but it just won't feel right ...
In this season of gratitude, I will say that for the last few years, my father got to enjoy seeing me sober and helpful, thanks to AA ... my mother was not so fortunate ...
SO, let me be one of the first to say that I am very grateful to God and AA for my new life ... without which I would not be here today, without which, my dad would have out-lived me ...
Thank You Lord for a sober today and for the many other blessings in life for which I am just now discovering, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I hope this Thanksgiving will hold lots of food and family for you and everyone here! AA has always been my Thanksgiving family of choice. In my younger years I would go to group and we'd do it up right! And the homeless folk would meander in and join us. It was always a great day. We had so much to be thankful for...and still do. It's been a few years since I have been able to do that, and I know that this year will be no acception, but I will get to have some family over and I have all the warm memories to keep me smiling and sober! And we can also gather here and have a food fight...giggle! God bless you all on Thanksgiving day and every day with sobriety, family, food and memories! Gobble Gobble!!
I know for myself "anti social" is just my diseases way of surrounding me with myself and seperating me from anything that's positive. The hardest thing I've had to do in recovery is go towards other people. I have found for myself that's where recovery is and the Steps have taught me that I have more in commom with others including the fear and justification of that fear that would keep me seperate from them. Good Luck-John L.