Noted psychiatrist Carl Jung once said, "If one can accept one's sin, one can live with it. If one cannot accept it, one has to suffer the inevitable consequences." We must come to accept our past acts before they will stop causing us pain.
All the Steps help us do this, but in particular, Steps Four and Five (the inventory Steps) and Steps Eight and Nine (the amends Steps) help. If we attend to these Steps properly, we will no longer regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.
Am I coming to accept myself?
Higher Power, help me accept the ways I've behaved in the past - and the ways I behave in the present - that cause me pain, so that in your time I may be freed.
Hopefully at some point, we get to take our 'blinders' off ... and if you've been on the farm much in your life, you know what 'blinders' are ...
For those of you who don't know what 'blinders' are, they are a device that is worn by animals to keep them focused on one thing and one thing only ... 'blinders' are 'eye shields' ... it prevents the wearer from knowing what's going on around them ... the wearer is oblivious to any activity than what is right in front of them ... they are in essence, unaware of what is going on around them ... therefore they miss out on having a 'full' experience of the world around them ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'