Hunger serves us well. Physical hunger prompts us to eat the food we need to promote and maintain health. Emotional hunger sends us in search of companionship, intimacy, and love. Our hunger for achievement fuels our contribution to the work of the world. And our spiritual hunger leads us to a Power greater than ourselves. Peace, unity, goodwill all of these and more, we hunger for.
If we find ourselves trying to satisfy our hunger in ways that don't work, it's time to reassess and make changes. That's what we do when we come to the Twelve Step program, admitting that our false satisfactions have gotten out of hand and are threatening destruction.
The satisfaction of our various hungers is within reach. Much of what we crave we will find within ourselves as we develop a relationship with a Higher Power.
I will explore my hunger today, so that it may lead me to what satisfies.
Ah - how nice to have more than just hunger for food/alcohol and attention. I suppose the lack of the other two meant I was of course going to try and satiate with only 2 unsuccessfully until I learned to develop a healthy balance of all 4. I eat less, drink less, where the "look at me" sign on my noggin *less* only less. BUT - having all 4 in my life is better - thanks AA & HP
So grateful, Tasha
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Yeah, I was thinking about this ... our bodies need food for nourishment or it will die ... and I've learned now too our souls need 'spiritual food' or they will die also ... I do not ever want to return to the time when I felt 'spiritually dead' ... of no use to anyone anywhere ... The AA meetings and sites like this are food for my soul, they give me strength ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'