Sometimes we think we're supposed to have more recovery under our belts. Perhaps we feel the need to impress our peers with our success in staying off mind-altering chemicals. But perhaps we are really just trying to convince ourselves. We know how difficult recovery is, and surely our Higher Power is not fooled by our pretense of well being.
If we try to hide our problems, we cannot get help for them. To get help we must tell people where we're really at. No one can read a closed book.
Am I open with others?
Higher Power, help me believe in the saying, "Ask and you shall receive."
So so true. I often wonder just when I'm going to be able to not "have" to work so hard to put ego aside and confess to others that not every day is wonderful. Like what I mentioned a few days ago, this need to appear always strong, always mellow, always having the right answer. I used to say I was doing it to spare others, so that my kids or my parents or whoever wouldn't have to worry about me. Right. I mean certainly, that's part of it, the need to protect those we love. But when we do it to such an extent that we begin to believe it, we're actually in screaming denial. Even if it isn't at the forefront of our minds, somewhere deep inside, our fragility is over burdened with all the things we're holding close. We don't need to run with every little hang nail, crying. But there are some things that need to be shared before they fester and become toxic. I spent years being toxic and that poisons the ones around us, also. Now, there are times I can admit that I need to squeeze and pop that emotional pimple before it turns into a boil. Because we all know what happens with boils. We try to sedate them. (at least, I used to). Self denial is a killer for me. It breeds resentments like an agar plate in a lab. And worse case scenario, if I vomit out whatever's happening with me, I'll get a good dose of truth from someone who's been there already. My ego will survive that. Poison? Not so much. Thanks for the share, Pappy. Chris
Great stuff! Yes, I to can get in that spot where my diesase takes over and tells me I shouldn't have these thoughts or feelings. Look how much recovery I have. If I say them out loud to someone, they might think less of me. Stinking thinking. It's my inner self trying to protect itself. Old behavoirs rooted in fear. The good thing today is I recognize it and I'm willing to take action on it- sometimes. Could use some improvement in this area. Good reminder today.