Sometimes we think we're supposed to have more recovery under our belts. Perhaps we feel the need to impress our peers with our success in staying off mind-altering chemicals. But perhaps we are really just trying to convince ourselves. We know how difficult recovery is, and surely our Higher Power is not fooled by our pretense of well being.
If we try to hide our problems, we cannot get help for them. To get help we must tell people where we're really at. No one can read a closed book.
Am I open with others?
Higher Power, help me believe in the saying, "Ask and you shall receive."
This is so important for me right now - I am working on this. Although things are so much better, things are not perfect... not by a stretch even, I can't pretend to be anything if I'm going to make it. To feel real love, I must be real.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.