When we admit the truth about our limitations and defects, we create fertile ground for new growth and change. But if we wallow in hopeless belief that our defects are just our true nature, we grow committed to them. That is the difference between powerlessness and helplessness. When we accept our powerlessness to control everything, we wake up to a deeper wisdom - that more willfulness only brings more defeat. Some of our needs can only be met and some growth can only happen when we receive a healing infusion of outside help.
But when we tenaciously refuse to accept our powerlessness, our dogged willfulness keeps us trying harder to do what we cannot do alone. Eventually that leads to resignation and helplessness. Our better choice is both painful and hopeful. We can admit our limitations and defects. Then we become receptive to help and acceptance from our mate, other people and from our Higher Power.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
But if we wallow in hopeless belief that our defects are just our true nature, we grow committed to them. That is the difference between powerlessness and helplessness. When we accept our powerlessness to control everything, we wake up to a deeper wisdom - that more willfulness only brings more defeat.
I love this quote. Thank you for sharing!
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton
Yes Adam, when I read this earlier, I instantly thought of all the times my father pounded this very thing into my brain (he is still a drinking alcoholic). It was so hopeless, and I'm so thankful to AA for teaching me that A: Our parents are not always right. & B: My true nature is evolving every day, I'm not stuck with anything!
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.