I think that the title of this blog post is slightly satirical, and I absolutely loved it. It had me laughing. Wish that I'd read this early on in my time in AA -- those early times might (might!) have made a bit more sense to me. It also gives me comfort to know just how broad a Fellowship this is and how there literally is, in a sense, something for everyone in it. I have the sense of ease and comfort now knowing that whatever may happen to me tomorrow, be it a Malibu condo and Swiss ski vacations or loss of job, family and a descent into homeless, there wil be something in AA for me -- and even more so, that there is someone in AA who maybe my story will help.
I especially love her conclusion, which I quote for truth (at least my truth, based upon my own experience in this Fellowship):
"Before I got sober, I assumed A.A. would be a magical place full of kind, understanding people who had seen the worst side of life, learned from their hard knocks, and emerged as angels on earth to help those suffering from the same disease. But of course, A.A. is chockfull of the same people who piss you off in the real worldexcept worse, because were all addicts and alcoholics. At the same time, those moments when the rich actor dude from Malibu and the homeless bum from Culver City can share a coffee and laugh over shared experiencethats what A.A.s about. And along the way, we all meet the lunatics and snobs and whoever else turns up. But we also meet people who will inevitably come to be essential to your recovery. And its all good. Since, of course, theres always another meeting to check out later on."
Thanks Steve, yes a funny and interesting article.
It would have been great if she could have found a meeting that read the 11th traditon "anonymous at the level of press radio and film".
My sponsor told me the 3d tradition "only requirement for membership is the desire to stop drinking", means we don't judge. i don't have to like you but I need to love you, I couldn't stay sober more than 3 days till I met you. I need you for my soberity.
"There ain't no Coupe DeVille hiding in the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box."