Hi, I found this site for my husband, also for myself. My husband stopped drinking 5days. He is a heavy closet drinker. He finally started to see a therapist about a month ago and started on antidepressants. He didn't stop drinking tho till 5days ago. He went thru the shakes nightmares and such. He seems more determined then ever to stop drinking for good. I just want to support him anyway I can. Please give me some ideas on how? Thank you
Well you're off to a great start! AA is the answer for me on! I hope you can google where the live meetings are in your area, and attend alanon, and he would go to AA meetings for help. You both have a wonderful road of recovery ahead of you if you give those 2 programs the best you can.
It's hard going through all of this... I'm so sorry for you. There are lots of people who will guide you Greenie, and show you the care and comfort you need right now in Alanon. I think the best thing is for your husband to post here on this AA site, and go to live AA meetings especially, and there will be a lot more here who will give you better answers than mine. I am sober 5 months... there are so many people on this site sober for years that will chime in to help you too. But I know almost all of us have to have live interaction beyond what any online site can do.
I just so happened to get an alanon sponsor this week because my father is an alcoholic. She gave me a lot of literature... and that helped answer a lot of questions. When you find a meeting for support, you could ask for a sponsor as well. This is just a friend who will guide and support you, help you find books and pamphlets, listen to you, and share her story with you so you don't feel alone any longer. There are steps you can take that will help you understand some of this better, and yourself better, and she will guide you through that as well.
In the meetings, you will hear stories of others going through similar things as you, and how they are working to live life in a healthier way. It's so important to talk to people who are going through what you are so you don't feel so alone anymore. These people will understand you like no one else "out there" can, so you are doing the right thing by reaching out Greenie. Welcome to MIP!
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Welcome Janis. From my experience; you can support him by staying on the sidelines and let him deal with his Alcoholism. Sounds harsh, but from experience, people do more harm than good by trying to help before it's time. The Program works for those who want it to work and work it, not for those who need it. For me, I needed to be ready to surrender to this cunning, baffling and powerful diesase. Prior to that, any help others gave created a resentment and resistance. Basically, it kept me out of The Halls longer than if no one made the suggestions. Human nature and Alcoholism I guess. I didn't like to be told what to do, until I seeked help on my own.
I would suggest Alanon for you. AA for you husband. Alcoholism is a family diesase. All who come in contact with it could use some help. There's an Alanon site here you could use as a supplement to meetings. He could post here as a supplement to AA.
5 days is a critical juncture. I would suggest AA strongly. Either he will go or he wont. I went to my first meeting at 3 days sober and it was the best thing I ever did. I second everything said above also. Alanon is the best resource for you. If he thinks he can do this "on his own"....and won't go to AA, well....good luck. I had to fail at that several times prior to surrendering and just doing what they told me in AA.
There is an alanon board here you should check out for yourself also.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
AA is a great treatment program for alcoholism. It has worked for me and many others. I am biased toward AA, so I will always recommend it to newcomers for recovery.
There are, too, alternative treatment programs, such as AVRT, LifeRing, Celebrate Recovery, SMART Recovery, SOS, and others.
The main objective for all members of all programs is ... recovery and sobriety. Some programs work for some people and some programs don't work for some people. No program works for everybody.
Hopefully, your newly sober hubby can find some help. He (and you) are certainly welcome here.
Hi Jan and welcome to MIP! its wonderful to hear about your husbands "willingness" to stop using alcohol.WE find out that not only is it necessary to put down the poison but it is just as important to find out the "exact nature' of our addiction. Remaining abstinent is light years away from recovery.WE suffer from a hopeless dilemma that is spiritual in nature and WE work to instill that nature,a day at a time in the actions,attitudes and behaviors of all aspects of our lives.If you have been using alcohol for years(as many of us have) it will take some time to clear the drug and fog from our body and minds.There are many different roads to recovery as been already stated but A.A. offers a set of simple but effective guidelines know as our "solution" the STEPS, worked with a sponsor and applied in all areas of our lives.Making meetings keep us aware that though WE do recover,(a daily reprieve based on a fit spiritual condition)we are never cured.It also helps us to learn to give back to others what is so freely given to us.Eventually in time being part of service to others instills the program best in our own lives..Becoming of maximum service to the God of our understanding(Higher Power)and to others also reenforces not only our spiritual nature but our sobriety as well.If you do not have a problem with Alcohol(not sure when you said for me as well)you may want to help yourself by attending Al-ANON ,a program for friends and families of addicted people.If you are finding yourself struggling with alcohol you may also want to check out a meeting(can also make open meetings to see what they are about....I will lift you up in prayer and support.Let us know how its going .Peace you can find meetings for both programs by GOOGLING meetings in your area or go to Alcoholics Anonymous.org and look up meeting places www.aa.org Have a blessed and productive day...........
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.