Greetings from Berlin, my fellow sobervibers! Carl & I just got here today! We're staying in a great little apartment right opposite the venue. If any of our cyberclever members here can do it, would you post a link for the convention this weekend please? Even better, is there anyone here who is coming? We already have a member from Liverpool who invited us in the first place who is savvy with the Berlin ways who met us at the airport & guided us to our accommodation then left us to settle in. We've played house, unpacked & checked out the local area for shopping & supper. We'll meet him again tomorrow for a lunchtime meeting before getting stuck into some serious sightseeing. We're here until next Tuesday so as well as enjoying the convention this weekend we'll make the most of our stay & do as much as we can. Thank God staring at the 4 walls of bars wherever I went is over. Let the happiness, joy & freedom continue one day at a time. It's a good day to be alive & sober. God bless you all, my little oasis of love & peace worldwide, Danielle x
Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!
Thanks for sharing. It sounds like this will be a wonderful event and vacation! Have only been to Europe once and never Germany. Hope you will keep us posted on some of the highlights.
That is awesome, Rob and thank you both for your replies, Mr. David :) I will be back with an update after some extensive and safe research lol Danielle x
Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!