Hello hello... Summer vaction is officially over. My job is hectic. So my plan... I got three meditation apps on my phone. I also got the app called Joe & Charlie.... Anybody know these oldtimers? I am sure. The app is awesome. It has all different discussions from those two guys. I downloaded 82 speaker meetings on my ipod and listened to two already today. I have my literatutre and my phone lists. I know I will only be at 4 meetings a week, more when I can. I will miss my morning meetings so much except when I go on the weekends. Ug, I must live life. I just wanted to use that icon. Anyway, I am doing my best. I feel pretty good today. I prayed. I said the serenity prayer a bunch. I said it every time I felt myself drifting. I said it every time I started to go inside myself. I am trying. One day at a time.
Way to go mich, ... ... You're following the path I did when I came back the last time ... I lost myself in the speaker tapes and ESPECIALLY the 'Joe & Charlie' tapes ... I get my sponsees to listen to those tapes early on ... It seemed to help me a great deal to immerse myself into the program, to not give my mind the chance to think on it's own, but rather flood it with recovery in the hope I would 'catch on' to what I needed to change in my life ... That did work out great for me ... Hope and pray this will do the same for you ... Good job, as Tasha said ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
:) Ok. I still feel good. It is rather scary. I am used to crap hitting the fan ever minute in my head. This is quiet and freaky. Called my sponsor. Everything was good. I got off the phone and I had that pang in my stomach again. Is something wrong. I think I feel sad. Or something bad is coming. Then I looked around and was like hmmmm... nope, nothing is wrong. You are ok. Weird. What is that about?!
((( hugs ))) I don't know : ) LOL You're crazy I think.
Just kidding -
I'm Guessing you're just so used to chaos that it would be kind of like someone taking a stop sign away on your most frequently driven road.
I actually just had that happen, and I keep stopping there anyway. Boy my husband was right. I am an annoying driver. Now I stop for stop signs that don't exist. What's next?
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Lol.. That's so true. I'm also somebody who in moments of tranquility create chaos in my head. I'm all 'ok, everything seems to be quiet and peaceful- lemme find something to stress out about'!! Haha.
Mich...remember the physics lesson..."A body in motion tends to stay in motion..."?? The mind, body, spirit and emotions will tend to stay in motion also and resist change. I didn't like change either and when I was told to do 90 X 90 I knew what that was about. It takes about 90 days of practicing new behaviors to create new habits. Stay on the ground and on the trail...you're doing good....honest!! (((hugs)))