Accepting that I was powerless over people, places and things was a concept I rebelled against on almost every level in the beginning. Before recovery, I labored under the belief that I could not only control others (especially those I loved and cared for), but that it was my duty to do so. Despite the fact that it rarely worked, I stubbornly persisted, frustrating myself and irritating and alienating those I was trying to control - er, I mean help.
When I entered Al-Anon, I was told that the reason I had been unable to influence, help or control another was because I was in fact powerless over other people, places and things. "If that's true, then there is absolutely no hope for this situation!" I thought. Accepting this was contrary to everything I believed and meant complete defeat and sure ruin. What was I to do?
By working my program, I soon learned that surrendering to this powerlessness was actually the gateway to a new freedom. Once the untenable burden of controlling or fixing others was lifted, I was suddenly free to invest my energy where I did have some power and influence - over my own life. And that's when I realized I was no longer helpless to really fix my life and situation.
Today I understand and truly appreciate that I may be powerless, but I'm not helpless.
Great message Pappy. My condolences on the loss of your father. It's something I went through in 2009 with my father, so I know how hard it must feel. We're here for you if you need us, as always.
Thanks Mr. David ... ... ... I've been on an emotional 'roller coaster' the last few days ... finally got to a noon meeting today and guess what came up as the topic ??? ... ... ... You guessed it ... 'Emotional Swings' and how to handle them ... Just by Chance ??? ... Don't think so ... How the hell does God do that ? ... It was just what I needed to hear ... AND talk about ... WOW ... It seems I can never get used to how this program just reaches out and grabs you ... Thank You Lord!
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'