There's an old Monty Python Sketch where Mrs. Non Concumer is talking to Mrs. Consumer about the Internal Combustion Engine that Mrs. Consumer has in her shopping trolley. A useless purchase for a woman in her late sixties. Can you eat it, How do you cook it, what do you do with it etc....well Mrs. NC says, if you can't cook it, can't eat and you don't know what to do with it, why did you buy it?
Punchline! Mrs. Consumer 'well! It was a bargain.'
So i've just come back from the local food shop (the co-op, to be precise). I went to get a loaf of bread, a packet of tobacco and a can of air freshener. I also came back with 5lbs of Pinhead Oats.
The Pinhead Oats were in 1lb bags. They were reduced by 20% (end of line, not gonna stock them again). So i bought all five bags.
OK I've been looking for pinhead oats for a couple years, they make great porridge, oatcakes, cranachan etc. But 5 bags!
This is a failing of mine. I see something that I've been looking for, there's a large quatnity of it, so I get it all.......because it might not be there tomorrow!
In the past i've bought around a cubic yard of expresso ground coffee, because it was a bargain - that lasted me three years and two house moves.
I have enough canned, bottled and dried food, and basics to not need to shop for maybe 6 months. there's around 14lbs of flour in my cupboard, around 4 pints of olive oil, I've just found a food shop that does huge quantities, like loose tea by the kilo, bulgar wheat and couscous by the stone, rice by the 25 kilo sack, tinned tomatoes and tomato based products in catering pack tins (you know, the tin is around the size of a 2 gallon bucket). Of course they do all this in smaller, family friendly quantities, but there is something really attractive about a gallon can of olive oil.
Clearly i have a thing about running out.........yes, this is just how it was when i was drinking, I had to have my stand by bottle.
I'm an alcoholic, I live with alcoholism every day. I used to treat my alcoholism with alcohol. Now I treat it with a 12 step programme of recovery and, it seems, bargains!
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
I'm an alcoholic, I live with alcoholism every day. I used to treat my alcoholism with alcohol. Now I treat it with a 12 step programme of recovery and, it seems, bargains!
Yes, treating alcoholism with the 12 Steps and a HP is a real bargain compared to the many ways we used to treat it.
Hmmm, was I the only bargain hunter? Apparently not. You might have enough to open your own store, Bill. Oh, by the way, what's up with those skits? British humor I guess.