The last few days, I'd been feeling a bit out of wack. I tried to focus on helping others, to get out of my head. My cravings crept back in and of I was again eating like anything again.
While doing my reading this morning, a sentence popped out at me.
The more we try to fix our problems by ourselves, the worse our problems get.
By focusing on other people, the feelings of unworthiness weren't being addressed. I was trying not to feel it but nothing stopped it anyway.
Thanks for the reminder Dean. I do have that book but I'll look into the e-book for it.
I know I'm struggling with that area at the moment. The other day I read something that's triggered my unworthy feelings again. The memory popped in that even back when I first started dating at 17-18, the fellows would want to see me again. I'ld be like no you don't. You don't know who I really am. One night I ran into one of them again at the pub. He was there celebrating the end of term with his students (he went on to become a uni lecturer). I was there having a night out as a single Mum. He came up to me and said "Wow!! You have changed. I didn't know you were like this. You said that I didn't know who you really were."