Yay! After much studying and anxiety, I passed the licensure test to become a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. I put that crap off for 15 years thinking there was no way to get to a license after dropping out of my Ph.D program in clinicial psychology. As it turned out, I had to take 3 grad school classes over the last year (as if 120 doctoral credits didn't cover what the licensure board wanted - but it didn't). I did that. Then I just took the licensure exam this morning to be licensed at a master's level. Rock on. Part of it was sort of traumatic cuz it was at my written comps in grad school that i really had a spastic anxious breakdown (one that ultimately led to a "poor me" mentality that lasted for 15 years) and I did get moments where I thought I might relive that. Nonetheless, I have a program now that allows me to walk through things I am afraid of. This was literally something I mourned, bitched about, and felt sorry for myself for soooo long....That not being able to get that license kept me locked into grunt level jobs working under other licensed people.
There are still more challenges down the road, but the message is that you can take you sobriety to do things you never thought possible and only sat around boohooing about while drinking! It took 4 years sober to really face needing to do this but it was worth it. Thanks guys for giving me the strength!
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Hey that's great. It's so nice to see people start kicking goals in life after being driven to their knees by this disease. I'm really happy for you. Now if you'll just PM me a mailing address I'll send you my brain and maybe you can give it a service and tune up.
Congrats Mark ... ... ... A remarkable achievement for one of 'us' ... ... ... ('us' meaning the be-fuddled alcoholics)
That's great man, ... ... ... Some people here thought you were a Guru anyway ... Now you got papers to put on the wall to prove it ... LOL
I'm like Frodo, I'd like to send you my 2 brain cells and see if there's anything you can do for them ... (they keep wanting to run off)(it's worse than trying to potty train dogs)
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I think there's an invisible principle of living...if we believe we're guided through every step of our lives, we are. Its a lovely sight, watching it work.
WoooHooo!!!!! Way to go. You are proof that anything is possible in recovery, and that we all have the same opportunity to go for it. Pat on the back (((((hugs))))) Peace
I asked God for all things that I may enjoy life. He gave me life so that I may enjoy all things.
Congradulations on the work Mark...Now they call it practice? Put an extra chair in your office for your HP. Sessions go better that way...from my experiences anyway. Yay.!!