That's good....When I came into AA I wanted to learn all I could about it...The Big Book was my main study....But my recreational reading was all AA related. One of the books the early AA's carried around with them was the Sermon on the Mount....By Emmet Fox....That went with the Big Book nicely.
I also enjoyed When Society becomes and Addict and Ernie Larsen's Book, Stage B Recovery I think it was
Dr Bob and The Good Old timers bears mention as does Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age, there's also an online Book about Clarence Snyder, must read AA history
Non AA Related:
just because it's a story of a fall from grace and redemption, then another fall, then redemption, then peace, it's an amazing book, one paragraph would take me hours and sometimes days to digest
Patrick O'Brien's 21 book Aubrey Matuerin series (Starts with Master and Commander) Simply put quite possibly one of the best series in literary history, I've read them maybe 8 times now
Otherwise too many to list
-- Edited by LinBabaAgo-go on Monday 6th of August 2012 02:22:42 AM
Light a man a fire and he's warm for a night, set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life
1. GETTING BETTER - Inside Alcoholics Anonymous, by Nan Robertson (AA Member).
2. MY NAME IS BILL, by Susan Cheever
Thanks for posting this, Harobed. I obtained Getting Better a long time ago and only glanced at it. It's pretty well written, and is moving to the top of the stack.
Susan Cheever's book is also very interesting. It is the book with the stunning revelation that in the last month of life, while he was bedridden at Stepping Stones, Bill W. asked his nurses for whiskey on 4 occasions.
Great selections Harobed. One of my personal favorites just happens to be "Drinking a love story" by Caroline Knapp. It's kind of an Auto Biography of sorts, but it does bring to light some interesting yet important observations. Anything by Hazelton is also a good read, and of course the 12&12. That's just a few of my favorites.
I was given a book to read while in rehab called "The Shack" by William P. Young ... Within that book, I found the answers to fill my spiritual emptiness ... I was never able to complete the steps in AA until I read this book ... Coincidence??? ... not on your life ... ... ... that was a few years ago and oddly enough, the therapist who gave me the book is now my sponsor ...
The last 1/2 of the book is nothing short of 'freakin' amazing ... ... ... It's 'life changing' for many ... but there are those who found it just a good read ... Why don't you be the judge???
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I just looked up this book a couple of nights ago. Is it a bit violent? I'm not fond of ones where children (or anyone really) gets killed. People were recomending it on another site.
I just looked up this book a couple of nights ago. Is it a bit violent? I'm not fond of ones where children (or anyone really) gets killed. People were recomending it on another site.
Hi Tracey, ... ... ...
The 1st 1/2 of the book does deal with setting up the scene or plot ... and it involves a tragic kidknapping of a young girl ... but the story does not go into detail of the way her captor handled her ... there is only the implacation of such things ... and yes, it will turn the water works 'on' in most people, if they're the least bit human and compassionate ... ... ...But Tracey, the WHOLE IMPACT of the book is contained within the 2nd half ... that is where the miracle of understanding comes about ...
In AA, once in a while, while in a meeting or reading, you'll have an 'ah-ha' moment ... "NOW I get it" ... Well, in this book ... I had an 'ah-ha' moment coming at me about twice every page ... Let me put it to you another way ... I'm 59, and I'm an avid reader ... went almost 12 years, reading 2 novels a week ... SO ... this book, my dear, is in the all around TOP TEN books I've EVER read ... It changed my outlook on life, which induced me to work the steps of AA, which saved my life, and then my very soul ... It's more than amazing, it's a miracle ... Thank You Lord for this book ... Amen
Love Ya Tracey and God Bless,
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Hey:) Ive had a lifelong passion for literature and reading.. I've ordered "the shack" via amazon and can't wait for it to arrive..have heard many great reviews of it. Also read "Drinking: A love story" while I was in the midst of alcoholic hell and related very much.. Will read it sober to see the difference in my perception of it. I've always been a HUGE fan of Hunter Thompson.. Anyone who's read him will understand why an alcoholic would love his sick genius..also have re-read some of his stuff since getting sober and it's clear the man had major issues with drinking that I found hysterical before.. Now I find it kinda sad..just amazing to see the change of my own perceptions now that I'm sober
I'm not the person to ask about e-book ... all I know is that you can get it in your local book store for $14.99 ... large paperback ... (I carry a membership card to 'Books-a-Million' ... LOL)(so I get a discount)
I've bought "The Shack" by the dozens and given them away to friends and strangers ... (I used to carry a few copies in the trunk of my car ... and if the subject came up, I'd give away another book) ... that's just an example of how 'strongly' I feel about the power of this book ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Yes pappy, If I remember correctly, mr David and yourself were the first two I heard make mention of the book.. Within that week maybe half a dozen people recommended it to me.. Can't wait to delve into it:) Tracy I know on amazon ( of course, because they put out the kindle readers) they had it available as an e book.. Only for kindle I'm guessing.
Ok Pappy, I must admit I ordered the Shack a couple months ago due to a review I read in a previous thread, its still sitting by my bed, I only read the first 30 or so pages, I am intrigued again to go read it :) And for those that want a cheap place to get it, has it listed for around $2 + shipping... just type in "the shack" on amazons search and go to the used section. I will begin reading it again tomorrow, thanks!
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
You're like a lot of people I've known ... they started reading 'The Shack', thought it was just 'so-so' and laid it down ... or they got a little depressed at the beginning of the book and laid it down ...
This is a huge mistake, ... ... ... Because the HEALING POWERS of the book are contained in the last 1/2 ... It's a pretty fast read, so do yourself a favor and absorb the last 1/2 of the book ... I took my copy and 'hi-lighted' many passages that had deep, mind changing truths ... My copy now looks like my AA BB ... because I have re-read it so many times and I continue to 'dog-ear' and 'hi-light' in it ...
Hey, maybe when enough of us have read it, we can have a book thread to discuss what it meant to us individually ... ???
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
For some reason I can't pick it up on amazon or kobo books as an e-book. Wonder if it's to do with being in Australia. Wouldn't think so though. I'll keep an eye out for it in the mean time.
Try "Books-A-Million" on-line ... there's got to be one of them to have it available by e-book ... if not, you may have to break down and read the book the old fashion way ... one paper page at a time ... LOL
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Just finished The Shack last night. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. I don't think I am ready to say much more than that right now. To say it moved me would be an understatement. Wow.
I think there's an invisible principle of living...if we believe we're guided through every step of our lives, we are. Its a lovely sight, watching it work.
Just finished The Shack last night. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. I don't think I am ready to say much more than that right now. To say it moved me would be an understatement. Wow.
Vixen just posted my reaction to reading 'The Shack' for the first time ....
How 'bout it Vixen ... have you settled back down to earth long enough to put your feelings in print yet ???
This book literally changed my entire life ... it 'opened' the door to 'recovery' for me ... I was never able to put a 'concept' of God together until reading this book ... and NOW ??? ... it seems Sooooo simple ... Sooooo Spiritual ... I have been 'moved' in ways I never thought possible ... It was kind of like the 'entire psychic change' that Dr. Silkworth wrote about in the Dr.'s Opinion ... ... the change that was necessary for an alcoholic, or there was little hope of his recovery ... ... ...
God(Papa) Bless,
-- Edited by Pythonpappy on Friday 10th of August 2012 04:46:20 PM
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
*lol* Yes...back down to earth, but as you know, it will not be quite the same now and that's a very good thing. It is so very simple and yet utterly rich and abundant. It's kind of like the part in Wizard of Oz where everything turns to technicolor. It like someone gave me a handful of puzzle pieces that have always been missing. It is like getting a letter from home. *smiles* I know you get what I am saying.
Blessings right back at every color of the rainbow. :)
I think there's an invisible principle of living...if we believe we're guided through every step of our lives, we are. Its a lovely sight, watching it work.
It seems to me that words cannot adequately describe the feeling I got when I read this book ... but I love your interpretation ... Not everyone gets the same feelings as we got and that's unfortunate ... To me, the mechanical/electronic engineer, ... it was like getting the "Owner's/Service Manual" for life ...
Glad you liked it ...
Love Ya and God Bless, Pappy
P.S. How about your thoughts on Mack in the cave and his being required to be the judge ???
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
That part, as did many parts of the book, made me feel humbled, loved, blessed, safe, and understood. It made me feel connected to others in a different way. It also made me think of my 4th and 5th step. The awareness and clarity that came from them now seems amplified by reading about judgment in this chapter. I can't wait to actually read this again and again. I feel I am just skimming the surface of a very deep pool of wisdom.
I think there's an invisible principle of living...if we believe we're guided through every step of our lives, we are. Its a lovely sight, watching it work.