When I walk into the room, I'm smiling. A big smile... a "glad you're here" smile.
When the children sit down to the piano, I play for them before I we begin the lesson. I can only hope they will "want what I've got".
When the children get frustrated, and sometimes even cry... I can share my experiences being like that as a child, and show them how sticking with it anyway, gave me strength and hope.
When they want to do it their way, instead of the way that's proven to work, I share with them that I wanted to do it my way too... but sitting up straight and listening to the teacher will get them where they want to be. There is no easier softer way in the long run. If they want to be able to play like me, they must have trust that the technique I use is best.
Some happily agree... some slump in their chair... I have been both, and I can love both types today equally. Their success or failure does not affect my song... and I learn from either of them equally. Probably more about myself with the later.
I tell them, "there is an order to all this chaos... just open your mind and remain willing to listen".
We are not teacher and student any longer. We are just on this Earth together for a short time, discovering something wonderful together.
I'm a better me because of this program. Teacher, Mother, Wife, Daughter, Friend... and everything else that I am... because in this world where people tell me I can be anything, all I really need to be is myself.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
There is a saying that goes something like this: ... 'If you love what you do at work, then you'll never work a day in your life.' ... ... ... something like that,... and I believe it ... Congrats Tasha, great progress ...
God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Hey Tasha! beautiful message...humility,so central to our first step,expressed most purely in our total surrender.acceptance of who we truly are,not worse or better than we may have believed when we where using, just merely human.We begin our spiritual journey ,having spiritual awakenings all along the way,and it sho is beautiful ain't it
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.