Yeah, I hear you Colleen. I had a myriad of health problems myself prior to sobering up. I guess all the extra stress was too much to take, even for my body. I can't imagine what would happen today if I chose to drink again. The health problems would return and my outlook on life would change dramatically. It just goes to show how important good health really is.
So I guess the only 'other' alternative for us is to 'remain' sober. Not doing so would not only compromise my integrity, but cause me more regret than originally planned. So why even go there. You just reminded me dear of two important aspects to any good recovery routine; acceptance and humility. Both of which has saved my butt on more than one occasion. So thank you dear once again for this sober reminder, it was certainly well-received.
-- Edited by Mr_David on Saturday 7th of July 2012 12:54:11 PM
Hey all:) part of the work I've been doing with my sponser is an intensive study of the BB..with essay questions, vocabulary questions, the whole bit. I feel like I'm back in college. Good practice I guess, as one of my goals is to attend graduate school, but I digress. We just covered the "basics", the allergy to alcohol thing I wasn't quite buying. Thought it rather far-fetched. Then I start to thinking. This is bizarre but years ago, when I seriously shifted from "partying" to "hardcore" drinking on a regular basis, I began to develop cystic acne. Now, this was a big deal to me because I had always had great beautiful, flawless, glowing skin that others constantly commented on. It was a source of pride ( I know, vanity). For years this repulsive cystic acne persisted. I tried many remedies, spent thousands on skin creams, acne treatments, teas..whatever. I thought maybe I'm allergic to an ingredient in the creams, maybe it's something I'm eating, maybe it's red wine. This problem got worse and worse. It was embarrassing, and I'd never seen anyone else with shit like this on their face ( really nobody). Well, guess what? I quite drinking and within 3 weeks (no kidding) it had all but disappeared. Go figure! Just a small silly example, but a good manifestation of a possible physical allergy.
My allergy to alcohol manifested itself on a regular basis ... every time I drank, I broke out in handcuffs !!! (from one of my 'home group' members) ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
"Allergy" was the best term that made the most sense, medically, at the time. Since then our knowledge of addiction-including alcoholism--has grown tremendously and research on the etiology of alcoholism offers much information--Google away! The research available is astounding (and yet the general public still seems to have a deep need to deny-deny-deny!!-but I digress). Still, the general dynamics of an alcoholics response to alcohol seems to indicate that using the term "allergy"(loosely) is not at all a bad idea! Easy to understand and like many allergies includes aspects of the process that are still unknown...there are many diseases/disorders/brain/body negative reactions for which we have no clue how they happen (like my acute & chronic recurring hives!) but we sure can't deny their presence, and effects, and what seems to help keep it at bay. If I am "allergic" to alcohol, then I am wise to abstain from it---however tough that may be. In my case, if I don't it would probably kill me, sooner rather than later.
You just reminded me dear of two important aspects to any good recovery routine; acceptance and humility. Both of which has saved my butt on more than one occasion.
I couldn't agree more Mr. David, same here! Only, reverse order for me. Humility then Acceptance.
I have a theory about your cystic acne, but it may sound lame and less dramatic, but here goes...stress is a huge factor in causing this condition. When you progressed to hardcore from partying you more than likely knew you were out of control, and things around you were beginning to unravel.
~Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will~