Great to hear that Closer, ... Thanks ... ... Just be sure you're doing it for you ... and that it's your priority ... soon it will become your pleasure to go ... and help others ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
One of the many early suggestions I heard and held on to with all of my strength was "If you keep and OPEN MIND you will find help". Take the hinges off the door to your mind and listen to it all without prejudice. I came to admit that when I first got here ...I didn't know anything and didn't know that I didn't know. That's changed alot today and for that I am grateful.
Go early and stay late, introduce yourself to a couple of people per meeting and make some friends. For me, it was the fellowship that was the missing link.
Wow! so glad you are trying the AA way. it is certainly healthier for your body.... the spirit and mind healing will catch up with the rest of you a bit at a time. each day is "brand new" what a gift! Dean is correct when he mentions the fellowship (before and after meetings) it was crucial for my continuing sobriety, too. also, doing old things without the glass of alcohol in my hand (was replaced by a glass of water or soda pop with clinking ice until i didn't need that prop anymore). you are a miracle in progress, glad you posted, please keep posting. sheila/jj