I'm glad you're making progress Bluebell. It's a sign of greater things to come, isnt that right dear. This medium (MIP) is a great resource for any alcoholic, young or old. They've supported me with both kindness and companionship from day one. So stick around Bluebell, and take full advantage of this forums generosity. It's a place where miracles do happen. Enjoy your new surroundings here on "MIP", Bluebell. There's a forum here for everyone, including yourself.
~God Bless~
-- Edited by Mr_David on Friday 22nd of June 2012 02:05:32 PM
Dear All, thankyou for welcoming me to your site. I am not used to this kind of medium in which to communicate but overwhelmed with your kindness. I am now back at AA meetings and slowly starting to speak and thank God that I had a program to follow whilst unable to speak. I am still a little anxious at meetings but so, so grateful to my HP and AA. Bluebell
Hey Bluebell...I too am grateful for my Higher Power and AA...They saved my life. I don't know if you have a sponsor yet...Or not. But one of the things my sponsor had me do early on was to just listen for the first 30 days...I had so much to learn and not a lot to offer. I look back at that and it really helped me...I could concentrate on what was being shared and not have my mind wrapped up in what I was going to share or not. Setting time aside each day to study the Big Book...Especially the The Doctor's Opinion and the first 103 pages...Plus taking as much in about the solution...The 12 steps..At meetings gave me clear direction for what I needed to work those steps. It's an incredible program...And as Doctor Bob...Co-founder of AA says...
It never fails, if you go about it with one half the zeal you have been in the habit of showing when you were getting another drink.
Bluebell - that is so wonderful! I've been around 6 months now - and I am just getting comfortable sharing. What made me feel most comfortable was just sharing a little tid bit about myself each time I went to a meeting, but forcing myself to at least say a couple things so I could start getting over the anxiety of talking in front of a lot of people. Soon I could understand that even though I didn't have a lot to "offer" I still had my experiences to share - just in sharing briefly, I was still contributing to my sobriety, and that of others, and forming relationships in the group. That was very important for me!
I believe, all any of us really have are our experiences, and the HP of our understanding to guide us each new moment : )
Thanks for posting Bluebell!
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Thanks for your post Bluebell, ... ... ... I, like the others, am so glad to hear of your progress ... that's wonderful ... Keep up the good work and may God be with you ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'