The old timer in my day time home group shared today that he will have 32 yrs of sobriety. Pretty amazing. He also shared that his original sponsor had gone back out after even more yrs of sobriety about 9 months ago - finally ending with a drunk driving ticket.
He felt really bad, and I could relate to the feelings of "Jeez, I should have seen it coming". The lady that came in around the same time as me - who also just so happened to have the story worse than mine, went back out drinking. And we've only been around months - not decades!
It's hard to watch the people I've come in with slowly disappear, and it isn't something I can let myself focus on or gossip about. We are all just living on a prayer.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
I've only been in AA for a year...I've seen a lot of people come and go..I can only pray they make it back...We're never cured from this...Always be vigilant.
Tasha as you know its my second time back in and I am holding tight with both hands,never to let go ! That taught me so very much,how lucky I was to get back,so,so many never do and die one way or another. I fear a wet brain the most, My brother is living a wet brain so very sad.
Today I know that unless I work it i loose it. I am responsible for my sobriety alone. ! And it must come before anything else. At one point I thought I would have to walk away from my marriage for my own sake keeping away from the drink ! All turned out well and we are both in recovery.
I have to want this more than anything else because if I were not sober or have AA in my life I would have NOTHING AT ALL.! very sad indeed.
Yes always be vigilant it sits and talks to me saying all sorts of CRAP THINGS ! Today I shut them up by reading and doing lol.. Keeping AA busy. Keeping myself safe.
I want it and I want it to work so I work it always. I also know that I cant help the ones who go out, no one could help me I was on a ROLL till the end ! Thank goodness I was given this second chance. I can see the light and the error of my ways and the things I did wrong to loose it all.
All I can do for them is to keep coming back and hand things over like I di they have lost contact to their God, Higher power,their AA.
Keep fighting it and keep coming back,we are all NEEDED. :} We are all so very very important too.
So, after 18 months in AA, I was able to pick up a one year coin today. A fellow member, whom I admire very much, picked up 26 years today. He said that he heard once in a meeting to not get so many years that you forget about the days. Love it.
I asked God for all things that I may enjoy life. He gave me life so that I may enjoy all things.
What a great share Tasha. I'm not only living on a prayer some days, but on A.A. fumes as well. If it wasn't for some of these 'old timers' I'd probably be drunk right about now. It's so sad when I hear someone slip, but it is A.A. dear and not a museum of perfect people. I surely hope that person returns, eventually. Thanks again for the message Tasha, it was truly inspiring.
-- Edited by Mr_David on Thursday 21st of June 2012 02:51:11 AM
Hey nezyb, ... ... ... Congrats on the big 'O1 ... ... ... That was a real biggy for me ... BUT I truly love what you said that the other member said ... ... don't get so many years that you forget the days .... WOW ... great advice ... Our most important day is 'today' anyway ...
Thanks and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
The man that brought me to AA relapsed after 8 years, because he was still gambling on horses. Step 6 asks me to become entirely ready to have God remove all of my defects. I cannot drive my car with a single puncture. It might move, but it's not serving it's full purpose. When God started to remove my defects, it was not pleasant at first, but over the years I have seen how He has blessed me and my family, because I submitted to Him.
Sponsors are great, but they should be there only for a short period. Thereafter our reliance should be totally on God.
Mr. David - I'm AM COMPLETELY STEALING that "AA is not a museum of perfect people" and using it for a topic - LOL - that was so funny and so awesome - thanks!
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.