1. Go to Goodwill and buy a pair of size 14 -16 men's work boots.
2. Place them on your front porch, along with a copy of Guns & Ammo Magazine.
3. Put four giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazines.
4. Leave a note on your door that reads ......
Bubba, Bertha, Duke, Slim, & me went for more ammo and beer. Be back in an hour. Don't mess with the pit bulls. They got the mailman this morning and messed him up bad. I don't think Killer took part, but it was hard to tell from all the blood. Anyway, I locked all four of 'em in the house. Better wait outside. Be right back. - Cooter
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Ya'll don't know how close this is to being exactly how we live down here ... Well, I'm an ole farm boy anyway and can shoot an egg at a hundred yards no problem ... and I am licensed to carry and I do, openly, with my holster on the outside of my jeans ... But they make me leave my gun locked up in the car when I go to a meeting ... something about alcoholics being somewhat unstable and/or insane ... ... heehee ... ... AND, it makes the newbies nervous ...
Heard an 'old timer' say to me that way back in the 50's and 60's, it wasn't uncommon for some of the members to come into a meeting with their guns ... some being cops and all ... he said he used to wear his gun to a meeting where they sat around this round table ... and more than once he'd start developing a resentment to some guy that was upsetting him during the meeting ... He said he'd take the bullets out of his gun and lay them on the table and take a felt tip pen and start writing the name of the guy pissing him off on the individual bullets ... said it really intimidated the guy speaking ... LOL
God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'