HI EVERYONE,IM KENDRA AND IM A ALCOHOLIC.......I had opened a account as Kendra and I tried over and over to logg in I could not....I changed my password still I could not logg in why I have no idea,But it will not stop me.....I GOT WONDERFUL FEED BACK AND I THANK YALL...I understand and now I know its time to walk away from my demons in my past , Im leaving tomarrow,but I will be back Im turning myself in on a old warrant I rather be in jail than be here with three active addicts ,my higher power is by my side I have faith things will be ok...My sobriety I refuse to risk ........Even for a place to live.....I will be up all night and I really need some old timers to give me words of courage,as well as strength to make it thru this last nite of hell....I AM STILL SOBER....WOW.....HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY....WE HAD A GREAT ONE....ABUNCH OF SOBER WOMEN HAVING FUN .....NOW I KNOW ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE..........I LOVE YALL,KENDRA
Hello Kendra, It'll be good to get that "wreckage of the past" behind you. One less fear to have of impending doom to deal with. Hope that you're stay is short. We'll be here and we'll leave the light on for you.
It takes a lot of courage to do what you are doing ... we will keep you in our prayers and hearts and look forward to when you're back with us for good ...
God Bless, Pappy
P.S. I'm too old to stay up much longer, ... LOL ... but keep posting if you like ... I know people around the world are checking in here, so you should have someone to talk with ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Thank you soo much this is the only thing I have rite in my life SOBRIETY AND FELLOWSHIP its all I WANT N ALL I HAVE .......Thank yall for allowing me to be part of somthing so real and beutiful....Oh see Im practiceing on my online yelling......lol.....god bless you
Thank you .and you made me laugh....I will keep yall in my prayers as well...WOW...This is the first time Iever laughed n cried at the same time...I feel so much better already...thank you....God Bless you all.....
I mean you might find it fun ... and I might keep up with ya'll for a while if ya'll don't get into ... ... ... uh, you know ... ... uh .... 'girly - girly' talk ... Ha! :P)
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Hello Kendra, It'll be good to get that "wreckage of the past" behind you. One less fear to have of impending doom to deal with. Hope that you're stay is short. We'll be here and we'll leave the light on for you.
Amen Dean...you've made incredible strides Kendra so be proud of that. No one ever said it would be easy, but it's worth the effort, it truly is. Remember, when God closes one door another door opens up -maybe not the door you would choose right now, but you're headed in the right direction, okay. I hope the next door opens up that much quicker.
You know yall are such wonderful people and Im so blessed to have found yall I just wish I could take my laptop so I could keep intouch....lol...thank you and it will be very short term I go see my bondsman n I may have enough to bond myself,it is a small ordeal ....Im just afraid of loosing touch,I get to take my big book that will be a blessing all in itself.but God bless yall for reaching out to me n helping me shut the door on these 3 obsticles that were trying to stand in my way......THANK YOU
You're not alone with this Kendra...the oldtimers who have done it can tell you what you already suspect...you are alright and will continue to be and get better at it as you stay with and in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. An early sponsor told me I was going to have to get away from all things alcohol and I some how found the courage to do that. I looked in my rearview mirror as I moved on and there were lots of family and friends I would never miss because I had lots of family and friends in recovery I would be going toward. Do your warrant and let me know how it comes out. I have one more to take care of and haven't because the 9th reminds me "except when to do so would injure them or others". Everyday is an amends. Will be thinking of you as your move into the "sunlight of the spirit" and will be insupport. (((((hugs)))))