I am new to this network and computer language, hopefully I shall improve with time.
Feeling quite isolated due to recent throat operations and under speech therapy to improve my voice. I find with this condition I'm living in my head. It's enforced silence and isolation. However with the AA programme I am learning, reluctantly to accept my silence and so pleased there is AA on line.
Welcome to Miracles in Prgress! Sharing our ESH (experience strength and hope) with each other, asking questions, and venting on this site helps us stay sober today. keep coming back. jj/sheila
You're sounding good from here!!! ... Yep, glad you're here ... let your mind talk as much as it wants here ... LOL ... Hope your voice returns to normal and without pain ...
God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Welcome to MIP, Bluebell. Silence is considered a spiritual practice in some disciplines. It's quite something else when it's uninvited & enforced! Thank you for getting up the courage to reach out, try new things & connect with our fellowship here. They are gorgeous & will keep you company while you go through this. We were promised we'd never be alone again & it's true. You're not, Bluebell. Keep coming back, sharing, & watch your recovery bloom. You will know a new freedom & happiness. God bless. Your sister, Sobrietyspell x (hey that rhymes!) Sending Loves, Danielle x
Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!
Welcome to MIP, Bluebell. Silence is considered a spiritual practice in some disciplines. It's quite something else when it's uninvited & enforced! Thank you for getting up the courage to reach out, try new things & connect with our fellowship here. They are gorgeous & will keep you company while you go through this. We were promised we'd never be alone again & it's true. You're not, Bluebell. Keep coming back, sharing, & watch your recovery bloom. You will know a new freedom & happiness. God bless. Your sister, Sobrietyspell x (hey that rhymes!) Sending Loves, Danielle x