So grateful to more than one 12 step program. Live, online, in the books, telephone, semiphor, Morse code, hand jive-whatever and who ever has carried and continues to carry the message, I am grateful. It's been over 29 years, and 32 off dope, and I am blessed to know that many of the guys & gals I got straight & sober with back in the day are still straight & sober today.
WE were pulled from the muck and mire and our feet placed on a solid rock. Our gratitude for our Higher Power's GRACE AND MERCY can always be sung in the highest notes.WE remember where we came from,continue(as you showed) to work daily and give back to the best of our abilities.Congratulations,Lee, truly is a blessing to have you continue to show up to help us through your spirit and your ESH! Truly have a blessed and productive day!
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.