Vacation time is almost here. I have 17 days off. Someone asked me where I planned to go on my time off. I said more meetings. I actually planned my time off so I could take in some of the one-year anniversary meetings of a few of my clients. And I noticed that the service weekend for my province falls around the same time so I plan to check that out.
Going to Hawaii for a few weeks fun in the sun might be nice. Winning the lottery would be nice too.
My alcoholism doesn't take vacations. It is a subtle foe. Its out in the parking lot right now, doing pushups.
Not all my days are priceless, but none of my days are worthless, anymore.
I don't understand what you're getting at. When I go on vacation once or twice a year to the Caribbean, I take my alcoholism with me. I don't go to meetings, because there are none. I don't drink because I don't want to, and I have learned enough in the program, and been sober for enough years to feel secure using my tools to have a wonderful time with my husband.
It's that way for me also Chris. If it's weren't for my almost daily interaction on this board, I'd probably not think about the subject for a month or so at a time. I've quit smoking and drugs at the same time I got sober ('89) and sometimes it's a year or two before I think about how I used to smoke, snort coke, take pills.... It's just not something that I think about. I would say that a few other obsessions have come and gone and others fade in and out, like collecting motorcyles, CDs, guitars, car projects, building homes, working, skiing, scuba.... Whatever it is, I want to do way too much of it and it feels "normal" to be this interested in life and hobbies. I just don't have time to drink, drug, smoke, chase women.... anymore