Tasha that's a nice little reminder of acceptance.
And yes too I do not need to drink on today about me or things !
Its near bed time here and I have had as I so often do a day full of physical pain, but I have managed to do a lot more around the home,so I reap the rewards of trying my best. Maybe about twice a week or so I get a fleeting thought of suicide, it is a fleeting thought. I guess I could describe it to the same as a fleeting thought of a drink. I get a surprise kind of thought after of '' Where the hell did that come from ! ''..
I accept these things about myself today and I also know that things pass. :}
Someone laughed at our meeting the other day when she said, once she said to someone she was having a great day, and someone popped up ans said '' It will pass'' :}
I am counting days down to when my daughter and grandson come to visit us. Through the pain and a few tears of difficult days I know that I will make the most of every moment while they are here. I get to spend time with my family about,once a year,twice if I am very fortunate, But we all have the skype calls now and sometimes the little one will call me up to 5 times a day just to speak. That's so amazing because he is only coming 4yrs old this July.
I must add that once I have had a few moments of tears its like a little release and its a blooming lot better than drowning in a bottle of booze lol. :}
Great post and reminder! This too shall pass. Just had one of those off days yesterday. My sponsor tells me if I don't have a bad day once in awhile, I won't know what a good one feels like. I hate when he says that but it true. He also likes to remind me off all the goods one's I had prior to the bad one. Now that I like.
I'll remind you Tasha, you've had quite a string of good days. We're human, we'll have off days too. The sunlight of the spirit will return. Keep moving forward.
I like what Polly said ... whether or not you're having a 'great' day or a 'not so great' day ... "this too shall pass" ...
Keep in mind Tasha ... we were told that the program is simple .... not necessarily easy ... in fact, the 9th step promises says that the promises WILL materialize IF we WORK for them .... and for me, that has turned out to be a pleasurable 'life-long' job for me ....
God Bless,
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'