My cousin called. She's graduating college in two weeks. She lives with her boyfriend of 4 years. She relapsed last year. She feels the anymosity our parents( aunts and uncles) are tearing our family apart. Which is true. But she called me and asked if I was still in the program, and I said yes. And so she asks me how my life is now. And I said my fiancée and I are cozy in our place, but still looking for jobs in state. That today I'm filling out apps and applying for college. And that I'm doing some intellectually spiritual reading. (aka: reading the bible with all the detatchment I can maintain in order to find out what so many people are getting out of this book)
and she says to me "you must really have your junk together" and it brought me back to my first 2 months clean/sober. Where someone said I looked like I had more tine than this chick with three years" and I thought ::just because your not currently listening to my brain does not mean I have progressed at all:: I mean, never had a sponsor, only did commitments for my first year, didn't go to meetings for the longest time. I'm just sober and there is so much more the program has to offer than quitting drinking.
sober: showing no excessive or extreme qualities of fancy, emotion, or prejudice
My cousin called. She's graduating college in two weeks. She lives with her boyfriend of 4 years. She relapsed last year. She feels the anymosity our parents( aunts and uncles) are tearing our family apart. Which is true. But she called me and asked if I was still in the program, and I said yes. And so she asks me how my life is now. And I said my fiancée and I are cozy in our place, but still looking for jobs in state. That today I'm filling out apps and applying for college. And that I'm doing some intellectually spiritual reading. (aka: reading the bible with all the detatchment I can maintain in order to find out what so many people are getting out of this book) and she says to me "you must really have your junk together" and it brought me back to my first 2 months clean/sober. Where someone said I looked like I had more tine than this chick with three years" and I thought ::just because your not currently listening to my brain does not mean I have progressed at all:: I mean, never had a sponsor, only did commitments for my first year, didn't go to meetings for the longest time. I'm just sober and there is so much more the program has to offer than quitting drinking.
thank you for sharing, and for helping me to stay sober today. When I am feeling overwhelmed and upset, my favorite reading to do is the "There are two days about which we should not worry, yesterday and tomorrow". That's my sanity prayer.
Thank you for helping me stay sober today.
The Golden Rule: Treat yourself the way you treat others.
We must be entirely honest with somebody if we expect to live long or happily in this world.
Honesty, like all virtues, is to be shared. It began after I shared ". . . [my] whole life's story with someone . . . " in order to find my place in the Fellowship. Later I shared my life in order to help the newcomer find his place with us. This sharing helps me to learn honesty in all my dealings and to know that God's plan for me comes true through honest openness and willingness. Copyright 1990 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS WORLD SERVICES, INC.
Its an honest program,so all I needed to do was get onto the program and become honest.