I'm not sure who posted about their sponsor, telling them to read these pages daily, but I am holding them responsible for taking the scales off my eyes.
I read those pages at least 5 times yesterday, whenever I felt bothered about something. Then last night I was up from about 1-3.00am going through my own list of compulsions over the years of my life. At the moment there's about 6 of them. Alcohol was about the 2nd or 3rd one I had. By then I was about 12. I remember going to a cousins engagement party and us other cousins ran off with a bottle of wine. No-one noticed, they were to busy partying. Boy I liked the taste, how I felt. There was the start of my infatuation with alcohol.
I haven't had alcohol for over a year or so now. Not because of a program, just that it's hard to drink and look after a family of 6 children. At times especially in the last few months, the urge had hit me a few times that a bourbon and coke would go down well. I have a bottle of it out in the shed but I don't keep coke in the house as I don't want the kids drinking it. That's kind of funny really. Which would do the more harm really?
Maybe this is why I kept coming back to this room, not for my husband, but for me.
So please these few pages fist got you reading then got you thinking :} Yep they sure helped me a great deal in my early days. When I first started to read them all I could see was selfishness and self seeking..And you know what,that was ME ! :{
Me,myself and I, But reading it all help to find my way,with my sponsors guidance.
Do you have a Big Book. In the front page I have above where is says Alcoholics Anonymous.just about that I wrote.'''.The Power of.'''
Then under the Alcoholics Anonymous I wrote. It is my companion, strength, hope,guidance. this = Happy,content,sober,serean.
How it started,how it works and how keep me going to pass it on. Also I wrote.
I must change,because if nothing changes,nothing changes and I will drink again. And like the ticking of the clock everything changes therefore so must I..I also wrote.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is history and today is a gift. Embrace Today and do the best I can,working my program,contact with other AAs ,meetings,readings. prayers with my higher power. The = Another shower lol..As they say take another shower and keep busy :}
Today I do my best not to sit about with my feeling of some that could well be,''All about me ! '' I have another day to stay sober but my hand must also reach out to another AA passing on some experiences, strength and hope.
Yes read page 62-68 each day and also read page 83 at the very bottom you will find the promises. You to can have these if you work for them. And with 6 children to look after the too will reap all the rewards of you staying sober.They too can have a happy content family home,if you work for them.
Today working at staying sober is my number one priority. Because I would have nothing if I were drunk ! Today I have all my needs met,and an abundance of love too. :} Good luck and keep posting please. :}