Hi. So how was your day? I started mine by attending a group session at the Forensic Hospital, part of the Correctional Facility out here, a volunteer thing I got involved with as part of my job. It's for inmates with co-occurring disorders, mental illness and addiction. Its interesting. Anyway, one of our guys from the group went AWOL on the weekend, relapsed, got into a scuffle at a local bar, and killed someone.
Needless to say, I was feeling out of sorts. So put the matter in gods hands and turned my thoughts to those I could help. I went to a few online meetings, texted a few of my sponcees, posted a few tidbits of wisdom mixed with whining here and there, and during all of that someone asked me to be their sponsor. I don't have too heavy a workload there so I agreed. This person was grateful I said yes and we got started on some step work.
The irony of it all is that I think I received more help than anyone I spoke to tonight. Its so true that sponsorship and other forms of service work, even being the guy or gal who welcomes you at the door, takes us out of ourselves, it reminds us that we are only one drink away from a drunk. Also the thing I like most about sponsorship is that every time I do it with someone new I get an opportunity to revisit the 12 steps. Practice makes, well being perfect isn't my goal but you get my drift.
Not all my days are priceless, but none of my days are worthless, anymore.
Wow I could do with your kind of day because today I could handle it and it sounds rather interesting too :}
Today as always I wake with a feeling of being grateful that I am not needing to go and buy a drink. Housework calls with my hands in the sink full of dishes, mopping the floors etc,etc. Normal kinda of stuff :} So that's good that I did not need to drink last nights leftovers and go get some more. I remember once my daughter making me promise to her that I would do normal things like everyone else dose like getting washed and dressed everyday ! and making my bed.
I guess I must be kind of normal if there is such a thing ! At least I am not crazy with the drink today. I do my AA bits I call them reading etc throughout my day and every day because I need to remind myself that its all good stuff this AA stuff :}
I will be off to a meeting tonight with a little smile on my face because this new forum has given me so much in such a shot time of finding it just the other night. It gives me joy :} I shared it with my husband who is also in AA and it put a smile on his face too he said its all good stuff :} And to think that just a while ago I had my laptop for 18months without getting a connection, why ? because I had a fear of using it. Yep fear of the unknown. I thought I would press something and vanish Whoooosh :} Like AA I just had to get used to it and keep using it. I guess I could live without a laptop but I could never live without AA being a big part of my life.
Hi. So how was your day? I started mine by attending a group session at the Forensic Hospital, part of the Correctional Facility out here, a volunteer thing I got involved with as part of my job. It's for inmates with co-occurring disorders, mental illness and addiction. Its interesting. Anyway, one of our guys from the group went AWOL on the weekend, relapsed, got into a scuffle at a local bar, and killed someone.
Needless to say, I was feeling out of sorts. So put the matter in gods hands and turned my thoughts to those I could help. I went to a few online meetings, texted a few of my sponcees, posted a few tidbits of wisdom mixed with whining here and there, and during all of that someone asked me to be their sponsor. I don't have too heavy a workload there so I agreed. This person was grateful I said yes and we got started on some step work.
The irony of it all is that I think I received more help than anyone I spoke to tonight. Its so true that sponsorship and other forms of service work, even being the guy or gal who welcomes you at the door, takes us out of ourselves, it reminds us that we are only one drink away from a drunk. Also the thing I like most about sponsorship is that every time I do it with someone new I get an opportunity to revisit the 12 steps. Practice makes, well being perfect isn't my goal but you get my drift.
What a great message, thanks Bernie. Gives full expression to that critical sentence on p. 97 "Helping others is the foundation stone of your recovery."
Bed making :} Well yes, however long it takes ! I was asked to do it and its always nice to get washed and dressed,get to an AA meeting and then get into a nice clean made bed at the end of another sober day.
And its 12.45 pm here so I am off to my bed. Goodnight all. And ya'all have a good day :}
Hitting my pillow sober tonight what a wonderful feeling.
Down in Key Largo this week, do some scuba diving with my wife and an old friend. Fynne Spirit will be glad to hear we brought our boat down. Something special about seeing moored at the dock behind our timeshare condo.
Down in Key Largo this week, do some scuba diving with my wife and an old friend. Fynne Spirit will be glad to hear we brought our boat down. Something special about seeing moored at the dock behind our timeshare condo.
If your ever in NZ and want to go diving Dean, I love taking divers out. We always end up with crayfish for dinner. Very glad to hear the boat is getting some use.