All alcoholics have personality problems. They drink to escape from life, to counter act feelings of loneliness or inferiority, or because of some emotional conflict within them, so that they cannot adjust themselves to life. Alcoholics cannot stop drinking unless they find a way to solve their personality problems. That's why going on the wagon doesn't solve anything. That's why taking the pledge usually doesn't work. Was my personality problem ever solved by going on the wagon or taking the pledge?
Meditation for the Day
God irradiates your life with the warmth of His spirit. You must open up like a flower to this divine irradiation. Loosen your hold on earth, its cares, and its worries. Unclasp your hold on material things, relax your grip, and the tide of peace and serenity will flow in. Relinquish every material thing and receive it back again from God. Do not hold on to earth's treasures so firmly that your hands are too occupied to clasp God's hands as He holds them out to you in love.
Prayer for the Day
I pray that I may be open to receive God's blessing. I pray that I may be willing to relinquish my hold on material things and receive them back from God.
1. (Physics / General Physics) (tr)Physics to subject to or treat with light or other electromagnetic radiation or with beams of particles
2. (Physics / General Physics) (tr) to expose (food) to electromagnetic radiation to kill bacteria and retard deterioration
3.(tr) to make clear or bright intellectually or spiritually; illumine
Tasha - there is no such thing. Your posts are all valued :) I think I remember hitting 500 posts on this board when I had about 9 months sober. I was trying to hold back so that it would not say I was an "oldtimer" til I had at least a year. Like it really mattered. Just glad you are learning and sticking around.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!