Well I am still hanging in there. I have not had a drink and feeling better every day. I still have my ups and downs with my emotions but I am learning that it is all a part of me getting better. I called my mom and talked with her, and admitted being an alcoholic and what I have been doing about makeing myself better, and she went into talking about my brother and his girlfriend. I had to remember that telling her was me makeing right within myself by admitting to the important people in my life that I am an alcoholic and what I am going through to fix it. Her response sadened me a little but reminded me of all the emotions that I tried to cover up for so long with alcohol.
awe Joanna, that's great you told her. I have yet to tell my family (well, they I'm sure know but have never heard me say it). My husband is the only one I've admitted it to so far, and one friend. You've inspired me! Thanks and have a great weekend!
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Your mum will get her head around it in her own time. To many muggles (Harry Potter reference ha) an alcoholic is a dirty old man sleeping on a park bench and she probably doesn't want you identifying with that. I wouldn't sweat it though. She'll she you get better, happier and calmer, and by then she won't worry what you call yourself.
It is great you are staying sober, one day at a time. There is no other way to do it. Try to remember that just because we are in recovery and trying to get better, those around us might not be... we change...they... well.. they...
Just keep working on yourself... and how you respond to "them" will get healthier too.
When I talked to my mom about being in AA she stated she didn't think I was an alcoholic. I now distinctly remember her calling me an alchoholic during a period when I moved home a little while and was hiding bottles in my room (at age 30!) so it shocks me sort of that she would have that reaction. But then again - it does not shock me. She just doesn't like the label and doesn't want her kid to suffer even though it was pretty obvious that I was/am an alcoholic.
Glad you are hanging in there Joanna!
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Congrats to you! It really does keep getting better and better. :)
I think there's an invisible principle of living...if we believe we're guided through every step of our lives, we are. Its a lovely sight, watching it work.
Being able to relate to and respond to my mother thru the filter of the program and with new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving on my part was a miracle for us. Actually without discussing my alcoholism with her and the meeting or anything like that she was able to relate more to the son she wanted than the one she once had. HP looking after both of us I say. Get sober for yourself and work the program and you and everyone around you will benefit from it. Keep coming back ((((hugs))))