"My life is completely unmanagable, I am looking for a job, but haven't had any luck in the past 3 years, I have a nice ten speed bicycle, and live in a half way house. A local church and social services help pay my rent. I have good friends that pitched in to buy me a hair cut, and body deoderant yesterday.
When I saw you last night I fell in love. I want to share my whole life with you.
We can move slow if you'd like and I'd settle for taking you to a movie, you pay and I'll pick you up, if riding on handle bars doesn't bother you.
Love always,
The one that winked last night...
PS. I have a friend that has a Volkswagon so if you decide you'd like me to live with you I can get all my stuff moved free.
Oh yeah, babe #13, move right in---as long as you can cook, clean, do the laundry, feed the cat, walk the dog, fix the car, paint the house, shovel the snow, clean the gutters, mow the lawn, pick all the right movies, bring flowers weekly..........and don't expect you-know-what at midnight on a weekday.
13th step is a basic addition problem right? Step 1: My life is unmanageable + Step 12: Im going to carry my message (of unmanageability) to you and we will live like crazy people in all of our affairs. 1 plus 12= 13 :)
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Ok John, you just described (word for word) the boyfriend I had before I met my husband! We were a hot mess! And that was before I was a drinker! That cracked me up-thanks.
Thank you, John! you hit it right on the head. the 13th step drama is a real doozy. another story, but not a funny one..... when i was in rehab a man was admitted (he was married and probably still is) and he hit on all the women and some fell for it. all of us had unmanageable lives, we were all very sick, but he was there for sex (he called it love) and trying to sell the 'living happily ever after with him' story. he was not there to get well, he was there on a 30 day vacation. looking back now, it is so sad.... vulnerable people without tools were no match for that predator and he knew that from experience, he is/was a rehab junkie. hopefully he will 'get it' before he dies (or a husband kills him.) still learning from the past, jj