As several of you know from a previous writing, I was truly struggling with anxiety attacks. Well, they have subsided and I'm pretty much at normal operating tempature these days.
Without a doubt it was one of the most scary things I've experienced in sobriety.
Alot of the anxiety gave way to working with my sponsor, a doctor and walking and talking to God.
I am taking 20mg of Paxil, which I think may be playing a role in the reduced sense of anxiety, but from which I'm experiencing some uncomfortable side effects, so I don't know if or for how long I'll stay on it. I just know that compared to anxiety attacks the side effects are much easier to endure.
Again, I want to thank everyone who shared their experience with me, and for the support, love and understanding that I got during this very rough spot.
I don't know that I will or won't have any more anxiety attacks, but I do know one thing for sure.... a drink is not nescessary, and would only bring alot more anxiety into my life than already exist.
When life on lifes terms take you down an uncomfortable path... share it with those around you and they will shine some light for you along the way, until you are on the other side of it.
Weaning off paxil for me was so hard that I had to take 2 weeks off work and stay with my parents. I have a friend who had no problems at all. My grandmother takes it as she pleases with no problems. I hope everything goes well for you :)
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Awesome share John, I'm glad you're feeling much better. This forum wasn't the same without your presence sir, if you didn't already know. So it was delightful to hear the wonderful news that everything is A-okay. God bless...