Just got a letter from the solicitor today, the financial agreement is ready for sign off within the next few weeks and then the divorce can progress.
Can't get to view the property in scotland until after easter, but financially that works for me. Landlord's agent seems to think I could take my shed with me, that means i can fit the shed out as my office, have somewhere to work and smoke out of the house (the house is strictly non smoking.)
My buddy has agreed to recover the few bits of material property from my ex wife's home for me - it would be too difficult for ex wife and I to meet at the moment so that works well.
Finally the company has brought forward decision day on teh reorg by a week.
So what's not to like?
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
Sounds like the load is lighter and the sky brighter!! Isn't sobriety wonderful!
Yes it is Leeu. Bill, I hope the situation works out in your favor, both financially and professionally. It's the start of a new day, my friend, so enjoy every moment, okay.