the freedom to answer my phone whenever it rings without worrying about remembering who I talked to, what I said or whether I made an a$$ of myself during the conversation.
freedom from having to check Facebook first thing in the morning to make sure that I didn't post anything offensive the previous evening while drunk
freedom from having to take out the trash before my husband gets home from work so he won't see how many beer bottles are in the trash
freedom to hop in my car and run an errand or visit family whenever the mood strikes me without having to be worried about being too drunk to drive
these are just a few - anyone else want to add their thoughts?
Freedom from guilt, shame, regret...for starters! :)
I think there's an invisible principle of living...if we believe we're guided through every step of our lives, we are. Its a lovely sight, watching it work.
The freedom to be the person I was supposed to be. I get to have a great life with the potential to be even better instead of a trainwreck of a life that was getting worse. I would say it's been a good pay off :)
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Freedom to live a healthy life... start a diet, end a diet, screw up a diet for other reasons than drinking... Freedom to work out in the morning because I don't feel as though I will die of a heart attack from drinking... Freedom to be happy when the sun shines on my face Freedom to snuggle my kids because I don't have a head ache Freedom to open myself up to my friends, the way I used to be a friend to them, or meant was meant to be if they are new.
Literal Freedom, after 6-8 drunk in publics and 2 DUIs, numerous probations. Freedom to travel. All of my decisions, about where I'd go revolved around if booze was there or I could take it with me. After being arrested out of town a couple times, that limited me in town. Had incidents during most holidays and birthday, so I stayed home on those occasions. The circle was getting smaller and soon I would have only left the house to work. Since sobriety, I've owned one business continuously, traveled abroad extensively, take 5 or 7 good vacations a year (ski trip #3 starts next friday). Very Happily married 15 years (19 year relationship). All of that being external, I've been free to be myself, instead of who I thought you'd like me to be, which means I've been free to be honest, free to talk about how I really feel, free to say No.
I've been free to be myself, instead of who I thought you'd like me to be, which means I've been free to be honest, free to talk about how I really feel, free to say No.
This has been the greatest gift for me as well Dean. Well said.
"Never make someone a priority who makes you an option"