About just over a year ago I was diagnosed type 2 diabetic. My doctor prescribed a tablet called Metformin, which I take twice a day. It keeps my blood sugar under control and is very effective and I am grateful. I do not meet with other diabetics to share my ESH.
But every now and again I get somebody who tells me that they have stopped their medication and have got their diabetes under control. They behave just like the alcoholic. They play Russian Roulette with their lives. When I was 1st diagnosed my blood sugar level was 23.6, almost enough to put me into a coma. It took 20 days for it to stabilise.
This teaches me that without spiritual help, human beings do crazy, stupid things. That is why I need a sponsor, who just tells and I just listen. If I had used my sick mind to recover in the beginning, I would have been dead now.
Hi---I am DT2 also, and from my own research and the wisdom of many excellent health care practitioners, traditional and alternative, I know not to mess with my medication. There is such an intricate interrelationship with sugar/alcohol/insulin/metabolism and so forth. My diabetes is under control (my readings are "normal" and my A1C is excellent) but like alcoholism, it has NOT gone away...I am not "cured". And were I to experience a reactivation of the alcoholism, my health would be thrown out the window faster than the proverbial speeding bullet. Good nutrition--a healthy diet for sobriety and diabetes--is a key for me; that is essential to my sobriety and DT2 control.
I was diaganosed 1 year ago with type 2--I too take the Metformin twice a day, plus some other drugs for High Blood Pressure, Low Thyroid, and High Cohlesterol.
Certain drugs are there for life reasons, if you quit suddenly it could throw your body for a real loop--even worse then before.
Check with you doctor/s before stopping any drug that was prescribed for a reason/purpose.