Have no fear. A very beautiful future lies before you. Let it be a new life, a new existence, in which in every single happening, event, plan you are conscious of Me.
Get this ever-consciousness and you have eternal life. Be in all things led by the spirit of God and trust Me in all.
And the consciousness of Me must bring joy. Give Me not only trust, but gladness."
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Came to mind this morning. I want to live life instead of hiding in the oblivion of alcohol. I have been given life and waste every moment I can in a blackout. Time to sweat it out again and start living life one more time. For me to drink is to die. It is a slow death of wasted weekends and I will get it done tomorrow. 36 hours right now, and I work 10 hours, then yoga, if I can make it past the liqour store...By the way, I am not religious but always liked that qoute- funny I heard it in the rooms!