I have tried several attempts to sign into the chat room here on this board and it says I am not registered. Do I need to sign up a new account for the chat here at MIP?
If you don't get your mind straightened out you will never get your life straightened out!
Hi, Im not 100% sure but I think the online meeting only works on tuesdays and saturdays. If you go to the main page of MIP and go to the page listed TECH BOARD, there is a forum discussing why the chat wont open and other problems related to it.
I have tried the yahoo groups and was not happy! They seemed to talk about taking pills and wondering what would happen. I am over that and wanting to take this serious! i fell so much better! I am liking myself and the new me and want to chat with people that are new at this or pros at it! I was a pro drinker and then one day day, it had me! I had no control! I WOULD DRINK TO THE POINT OF BLACKOUT! often!!! I want those days to be behind me! I am klooking to chat with people that can inspire me to do the right thing! Also I am looking to help those that are new because in my sober mind I can give great advise!
I had a little set back today! I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. I got in the mail a jury summons form Fresno, Ca! I cant drive 4 hours with th crap I am going through right now! Also I have children and a hubby that works 4 tens each week! Got me upset and of course Iwanted to drink, drink alot!!!! I will get the form to my Dr. in the morning and hope she can help me out!
Sorry to ramble..... just really needing to talk to someone right now!
By the way..... what is a sponser?
If you don't get your mind straightened out you will never get your life straightened out!
Sponsors share their experience, strength, and hope with their sponsees... A sponsor's role is not that of a legal adviser, a banker, a parent, a marriage counselor, or a social worker. Nor is a sponsor a therapist offering some sort of professional advice. A sponsor is simply another addict in recovery who is willing to share his or her journey through the Twelve Steps.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.