Our meeting included using other addictive mind-changing substances and coming to meetings. They state that they are done with alcohol. People walked out. Touchy subject. How to approach.
Unfortuneately there are few AA meetings anymore that aren't watered down ...with something or anything besides whats in our literature.
My sponsor always told me I was to talk about alcohol and how I have recovered from the sickness in an AA meeting cuz' anything else was simply showing disrespect for Alcoholics Anonymous.
"Sobriety, freedom from alcohol, through the teaching and practice of the 12 steps is the sole purpose of an AA group. Groups have repeatedly tried other activities, and they have always failed" AA's singleness of purpose is one of its greatest strengths. Recently I was back in Nelson, a City where, a few years ago, there was a great deal on conflict over this issue. The meetings became so unpleasant that many, including me, stopped attending. Now, the groups have grown through this and the meetings are brilliant. They stick to the primary purpose, but have a great way of helping people with problems other than alcohol to find the right fellowship. There is a great deal of respect shown by all attending, those alcoholics, and those with multiple addictions. The membership truly includes all who suffer from alcoholism. I'm heading back to Nelson on the boat and hope to celebrate my AA birthday with them.
Most meeting I attend there are many people who are dually addicted and there are some who are addicted to other things but not alcohol, but they know if they drink it will lead them back to Drugs. I welcome all, as long as the discussions stay on the subject of Alcoholism. If a person starts talking about other Drugs the Chairperson should tactfully remind them the meeting is about alcohol and if they object, give them a schedule of NA Meetings. I dont think walking out of a meeting serves any good purpose, unless they are all drunk.
The smallest of good deeds is greater than the best of intentions.
Good point halfwolf. If we don't stand up and say something it will become diluted. I have many addictions, but the road always leads back to a drink. I used to identify myself as an addict and alcoholic at meetings, my sponsor pointed out to me that if I shared about using while in an aa meeting, a newcomer that never did drugs would relate out of the room rather than relate to the room. He was right, I am an alcoholic and thankful for it..
"Never make someone a priority who makes you an option"