"You must say "thank you" for everything, even seeming trials and worries.
Joy is the whole being's attitude of "thank you" to Me. Be glad. Rejoice. A father loves to see his children happy. Seek to find a heart-home for each truth I have imparted to you. Use all I give you. Help others. I ache to find a way into each life and heart."
"You must say "thank you" for everything, even seeming trials and worries."
It took me years to embrace this thought process, I always thought God was piling stuff on me and I couldn't take it. My sponsor taught me to share about my trials and tribulations, the load became lighter and many people over the years have related that they were going through similar things in life. It'snot always about us, thank God.
Thank you for posting this.
"Never make someone a priority who makes you an option"