So in my morning prayers I asked my higher power if my life would always be so unhappy. Some situations with my home life have been making me very unhappy and have not changed when I stopped drinking a year ago. I asked for a sign that I would find happiness. Later that day a girl I dated when I was 15 sent me a LINKED IN request. We talked and really hit it off. I haven't heard from her since I was 15 and I am now 47. Do I take this as a sign that my current marriage will not change or is it a test to make sure I will do the next right thing and stay faithful?? Totally confused.
Your situation sounds like an inside job to me.... what we do here is help each other stay sober with the AA steps and traditions. honesty, openmindedness, and willingness to take suggestions (and work the steps with a sponsor.) we are all pretty sick here in many different ways, but, that's why we get along so good. If you have a sponsor, this would be a good thing to discuss. the Big Book has words of wisdom, too. check back with us and let us know how you are doing. Welcome, thanks for being here, and please come back. jj/sheila
What nancy said ^^^^^ Happiness is an inside job. Imo HP doesn't guaranty us a relationship. With just a year, I'd give it a bit more time in your current situation. Have you worked all 12 steps yet, with your sponsor?
Aloha Frank and from my experience in recovery I also have learned that "Happiness is an inside job". Got that lesson from an Alateen member. You've been in over a year so you must be familiar with the AA declaration, "When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help..."? It ends with the reminder..."I am responsible" and truely we are responsible for all of our choices. I might at times think that something that happens in my life is a form of "devine" intervention however what I do with it is the important sober thing. Weekend ago at m home group one of the members spoke about "loving his wife" to which I heard, "I am responsible for loving my wife" 24/7. There is no justification for being unloving...always.
I've had recent knocks on my cyber door from past sweeties and I get to remember and I get to love them anyways...24/7 just like I love my wife and you and everyone else in my life. My wife has privileges no one else has except myself.
Get with your sponsor for more work on recovery.....and keep coming back.