A sponsor told me to read the chapter "How It Works" and count how many times those words appeared. I did, and then reported the number back. He asked me to re-read it and count the singular personal pronouns. I did, and reported back. The affect was profound (as well as getting me to actually READ the chapter twice )
I firmly believe, as millions of others of Us do, that there is no greater treatment for Our disease than How It Works in Alcoholics Anonymous. When I am among Us I feel free from the desire to drink and free to grow, live and love as I was meant to, in accordance with the will of my Creator.
When you read the first few preface pages in the BB about how the groups took off from the Oxford groups and how membership expanded along with the revisions of the book, you can also get a sense of how powerful that "we" really is. There is a divine reason AA took off the way it did and has spread all across the world.
Glad to be part of that WE :)
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!