I have been sober for over 8 years and doing very well - but like everybody, I have my moments. [Progress not perfection, right?]
That said, I haven't done a lot of formal step work ongoing, and lately I keep *hearing* about continually "working the steps" in meetings. Then I realized that, in fact, I don't really know what it means practially speaking - I go to meetings / reading / talk to my sponsor and newcomers. Does it just mean doing more 4th steps which I have done... Or picking a chapter and reading it, and talking with my sposor about it...
Because I do take perscription medication - I always want to stay close and also, I want to simply continue learning to keep growing.
Any suggestions for new ideas?
Being an internet type person was hoping for some online tool where I would read/answer questions daily but any suggestiosn are helpful.
How you doing..This is my take on it. Steps 10, 11 and 12 are the daily maintenance steps. We live these steps. There is a catch here. Step 12 says "we practice these principles in all our affairs." Those principles include the other 11 steps. I don't know if you are sponsoring other people, giving back what you were so freely given....That is a major part of step 12 and this program. The preamble states that "Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety." Helping others is what keeps you sober....Funny how that works. Hope that helps.
the steps are given to us for our personal growth and to show us a new way to live without alcohol. for me, i bought a 12 steps and 12 traditions book (it may also be online....) but i went through it with my sponsor and she "checked me off" as I studied and discussed each step with her. the Big Book has the steps listed in chapter 5 page 58 of the Big Book (i have the 4th edition). but start with page 1 and keep reading. read the Big Book and find yourself in the stories. the Big Book is online, so you can read it anytime on your computer. The 12 and 12 is very helpful, too. anyway, doing the steps in order with a sponsor is suggested as a way to get and stay sober. emotional growth and spiritual growth are the benefits of doing the steps.... we find a new life and a new way of looking at ourselves and others... we find joy and peace while learning how to handle life when it is not joyous or peaceful. keep asking questions, mbd. it takes honesty, and open mind, and willingness (to do whatever it takes to stay sober). God bless you. jj
Here is something to consider regarding this issue.
We already have a forum for called The Step Work Board, but its not really being used or supported by the various 12 step groups on the forum.
The idea for it was to have one group member of each group outline each of the 12 Steps week or bi-weekly, link to each step as its addressed in the Big Book, or other 12 step group conferrence approved literature, and also to the step in the 12x12, then group members could share their es&h on the current step or review the material left by the previous step, ask questions about the current step or previous steps that have been addressed, and this was also a great way to find a safe, confidential resource to work the steps that require writing and sharing with someone. (I don't suggest this as the method, accept for those who are truly homebound and unable to step into the recovery community in their area. However, i believe it could be a good starting point for many that haven't stepped over that threshold for whatever reason.)
There is a link to it at the top of the AA message board, in the yellow area, on the left side. Check it out, and determine if you'd be willing to step up to the plate of being the person to address the 12 steps from the AA angle. Maybe share this information with other group members here and see if they'd be willing to, I truly believe its an asset on the site that is being overlooked.
That said, I haven't done a lot of formal step work ongoing, and lately I keep *hearing* about continually "working the steps" in meetings. Then I realized that, in fact, I don't really know what it means practially speaking - I go to meetings / reading / talk to my sponsor and newcomers. Does it just mean doing more 4th steps which I have done... Or picking a chapter and reading it, and talking with my sposor about it...
Welcome mdb, ...
Two thoughts here ...
1) When we, well for me anyway, work the steps for the first time, we come to step 12 as Stepchild alluded to, where we are to apply all these principles into our daily lives ... to, in fact, live them ... This includes things like taking a daily inventory to see where we can continue to improve ... continuing to affirm we're alcoholic ... continuing to turn our will over to the care of God ... continuing to admit when we're wrong and promptly take action to make amends if required ... ETC. ............. For me, I must do this daily in order to protect my 'peace and serenity' ...
2) If and when you sponsor someone, you're going to be going through the steps again and when you do this, you'll frequently be reminded of something you left out on your first time through ... then a meeting with your sponsor to clean the slate should be the order of the day ...
So you see, if you're practicing the principles of the program, you're actually in a cycle of 'self-evaluation' and action to improve your wisdom and mental 'well-being' and thereby improving your conscious contact with God and reaping the benefits of having the 'peace and serenity ' in life the promises make to you ...
It really is the Perfect program for living life as we know it ...
God Bless,
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
"Working' the steps doesn't have the same feeling to me as practising these principles in all our affairs. The latter phrase means taking these principles into every area of our lives, not just our work in AA. It can mean something as simple as putting the super market trolley back in the rack instead of leaving it in the street, helping a neighbour, contributing to your local community. Love and tolerance is our code. When we are wrong we promptly admit it and make whatever amends is appropriate, when agitated we pause and ask for guidance, we try to do God's will each day. It's a way of life that keeps me happily sober.
You know it's really funny that you say that....I just got back from the grocery store a little while ago. And as of late...I did put the cart back where it goes....I never did that before...I guess it's just learning to do the next right thing....You made my day.