So the zoloft the doc prescribed a while back didnt seem to work, I had HORRIBLE side effects. Found out I wasnt really depressed but more full of anxiety, she told me to try buspar which she had used before and is supposed to be non habit forming with few side effects. I am only on day 3 of taking 10 mg twice a day and she said to try that for 2 weeks then call her and she would up the dosage. I was just wondering if anyone had used this and if it worked for them. I do feel a bit calmer but seem to get dizzy after dosages for about 20-30 mins. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks and God bless!
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
I don't have much input Steve however I'll bet you can find stuff on it on the internet. Becareful under the influence. Almost seems brain dead saying that to you...(((hugs)))
I am the last person qualified to give advice on meds, that's what your doctor is for.
I thought it might be more use if I relate some of my own experience and perhaps try and put myself in your shoes. During my enforced stay at the laughing academy, a year or two before I got sober, they fed me up on Ativan for three days, knocked my right out, and gave me some other stuff when I left. These are old fashioned meds and quite addictive as I understand it, and I was never very keen to take then anyway. Perhaps because of the addictive nature of the meds in those days, you had to be quite pushy to get them from your doc. So when I got sober neither my doctor or I were very keen on additional meds. As a result, life in AA for the first few weeks was pretty grim, I was full of fear and anxiety, there was no way in the world I could speak at a meeting, I literally hid down the back and kept my head down. I was unable to work, the doc did give me time off, and the nights were long and lonely, bad dreams, sweats, crazy thoughts, haunted by memories of things I wanted to forget, fear of the future. You get the picture - very very uncomfortable, I was very very anxious. Who wouldn't be!
I have yet to meet the alcoholic who comes to AA because everything is rosy in the garden.
But it seems that this was something I had to go through. I had tried every imaginable remedy, all the easier softer ways, and I nearly died as a result. This unforgettable experience is what drove me to accept the AA programme. The pain was a great motivator, and it was releived through the steps. I have the feeling that an alcoholic of my type has to go through this stuff to get well. I couldn't find a way around it.
I googled the drug you mentioned and it was described as suitable to provide short term relief from anxiety. What worries me with that are the words short term. It's not a permanent fix and the day will come when it can no longer be used. I would be worried about how I would feel then. Would I go back into all the anxiety I was suffering before? Would I be put back to the start and have to go through it all again? Of course this might not apply to you Steve, but for me the cause of all my anxiety was firmly rooted in my alcoholism and I found the solution in the steps. I took the steps to recover because there was no other choice. I had zero chance of doing it the other way around (recover to do the steps).
Steve, whether you need these meds or not is between you and your doctor. If it was me I would be wondering if they would be the start of my recovery, or just delay it and make it harder next time.
Hi Steve, I hope you are feeling better. I read your post and felt like I could offer you some of my E,S & H. I fought taking meds in my recovery for the first 11 yrs. When I finally, was able to find some humility and accept the help that was being offered to me by professionals, I said I would 'try' it. What I would like to share was my immediate reaction to it, such as yours. I felt like I was on drugs again, relapsing. I was on the phone daily with my Dr., scared to death. I was foggy, couldn't put thoughts together, had to take some time off work to get through the major anxieties that I was experiencing through taking this medication. In short, I felt worse on it then I did when I wasn't on anything. My Dr was so patient with me, as she was well aware of my 'disease', all she kept tell me was to ride it through for 2 weeks. So, I did. I trusted my Dr. Just as I trusted in AA and God. She was the professional, and I was the student. I'm so glad and grateful that I got through it, and felt the side effects subside after 2 weeks. So the Dr was right and I was in panick mode. So true for me, LOL. React first eh.
Wish you well my friend. Trust your Dr and the Process (God), you'll do great.
Thank you everyone, so far I just feel a little dizzy for about 20 mins after the dosage then it seems to relieve my anxiety. No "droopy, drugged up" feeling and I can still think very clear. I am 100% honest with my doc and she said she didnt want to prescribe me a benzo because of my addictive personality and alcoholism. I agreed and she said this was not habit forming. I also had long talk with my sponsor who said it was fine as long as I took it AS prescribed. I am praying on this and know my HP is guiding me, thank you for all your input everyone. And I am proud to say I am 40 days without a drink today :)
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Hey Steve, ... When I came home from 'the laughing academy' as Fyne calls it, I had prescriptions for anxiety, depression, sleeping disorder, and other disorders I can't remember ... after about three months, I came to the point (so spiritually motivated) that I wanted to give this sh*t up ... Consulting my doctor, he said great, but call if there's any sudden reactions ... Long story short, I took myself off every 'cotton-pickin' drug they had me on and put my faith in the program which means I became convinced I didn't need anything more than God's spirit to make me well ... Today, I only take one vitamin a day, that's it, I don't even have to take the 'blood pressure' meds nor the 'colesterol' drugs anymore either, and I'm just fine ...
Let me say this, don't stop taking meds without consulting your doctor ... I am simply sharing what having faith in God has done for me ... He relieved(took away) my anxiety, my depression, my sleeplessness, and my high blood-pressure all without chemicals ... The ONLY point I'm trying to make is ... That all things are possible through God ... I only had to ask my self if I really believed or not ... and I had long discussions with Him, and still do, daily .... I am grateful for being alcohol free and 'drug' free today ... Thank God and you guys!
God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'