The AA book talks about victory over 2 major fears of the alcoholic.
The first one is people & the other is economic insecurity. These fears are eliminated by working on the steps from 4 to 9.
5 years into my sobriety & I became "economically insecure." I had lost my job & my debts had accumulated. My challenge was to practice these steps under very adverse conditions. I did & they worked. Here I am 23 years later using the same principles & some very adverse conditions, but the promise holds it's truth.
In fact alcoholics on the program are far better off than the so called "normal" people. I have personally seen some of these friends of mine who have retired with large pensions & still suffer from fear of people & economic insecurity.
We are blessed my brothers, because we who have been addicted to alcohol have been through the worst & whatever we experience now is easy.
Thank you, Gonee, fear and economic insecurity is so huge these days. such unsettling times are embracing the world we know. we have our HP and we have our sobriety, and we will get by. like the 11th step prayer says, we are channels to be of service to others. it is not by our power but of God. that is the satisfaction we are able to see and touch. hugs from jj/sheila
Great post Gonee, Thanks. Those steps deal with the three big robbers of happiness that I brought to AA, any one a load big enough to take cut me off from my God and drag me back to drinking. My personality or my way of thinking, my sick and sad memories swirling round in my head every night, and the people I fear to meet. I have now had a personaltiy change, I sleep well, and I can look the world in the eye. Through those steps. God bless, Mike H.
Thanks Gonee......I had some fears and stinking thinking issues dealing with honesty on the job. The pressure I was putting on myself was awful. Service to others is more important than selling your serenity for economic security in my opinion. The fear of what people thought of me backing out of something almost paralyzed me. With my HP I was able to make the best decision for me and my family. Thanks for reminding me about fear and financial insecurity. God Bless us miracles in progress!!