Does MIP have an official facebook page? I know a lot of members use FB and although we are anonymous I think it would be a great way to spread the word and get new members and stay connected with others here on the board. Just wondering if I may be missing out on something. Thanks
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Facebook is neat for some things, but so public. I think of it as an extra and mostly use it to stay in touch with family long-distance and play games. I think an MIP group there would take me away from my posting here. And what we have is great already.
I have two facebook accounts - one under my name and another under a made up name that I use for the games (reduces clutter in my real one) - and there is no way I'd use my real one for this. I won't even 'like' the AA page. It's not that I am ashamed or anything as I'll happily tell anyone that asks me about my drinking (or lack of it these days) and the hows and whys of my recovery, but I'm not putting it out there for every man and his dog to look at and possibly judge me by in their ignorance. The second A is a pretty important thing IMO.
I think a lot of others would feel the same.
-- Edited by Frodo on Tuesday 8th of November 2011 03:33:06 AM